SRHS Attendance

Every Day Counts!

Scripps Ranch High has one of the highest average daily attendance of all comprehensive high schools in the San Diego Unified School District. We are very proud of this accomplishment and really appreciate the support from parents to have students attend school every day.

Please read the attendance policy in the Student Handbook. Reporting your student's absence the morning of the occurrence keeps you from being interrupted later in the day and keeps your student from being called out of the class to help the Attendance Office staff account for the absence. Every period of absence must be accounted for. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Good attendance is a top priority during the entire school year because when students are attending school daily there is greater achievement.

Reporting & Verifying Absences

When verifying an absence or first period tardy for your student, please give specific information regarding the reason. For example, if it's an appointment, indicate the type of appointment. Please note that tardies during the school day cannot be verified, as well as most single class period absences.

Parents/Guardians may EMAIL to report an absence to the Scripps Ranch High School Attendance Office at the appropriate address below. 

Parents may also call the Scripps Ranch High School Attendance Office to report an absence. This call should be made as early as possible to verify a student’s absence.

SRHS Attendance Policy can be found on page 21 of the Student Handbook.

Excused Absences

Unexcused Absences

Attendance Codes

Absence verification should be made by parent via telephone, e-mail, or note.

K-12 Enrollment Forms (Student Information Cards)

Students must complete a new Student Information Card each year to ensure updated information of telephone numbers and emergency contacts. Completed student information cards should be returned to the Attendance Office.