
Art Lessons for February 19 - February 23, 2024

Kindergarten Art

Paul Klee Alphabet

Vocabulary: Repetition

Writing the alphabet in the style of Paul Klee

1st Grade Art

Self Portrait - When I Grow Up

Vocabulary: Portrait

Learning to draw the face using the proper proportions. Add details to make it look like a profession.

2nd Grade Art

Dr. Seuss - Fish in a Bowl

Artist: Dr. Seuss

Learn about the illustrations of Dr. Seuss and draw a step by step drawing in the style of Dr. Seuss.

3rd Grade Art

Dr. Seuss Animals


Artist: Dr. Seuss

Design a Dr. Seuss-type animal with a specific personality, habitat and diet. Then draw an example

4th Grade Art

Stainglass Valentine

Vocabulary: Color, Complementary Color, Analogous Color, Warm Colors, Cool Colors


Create a Valentine with a stainglass design that tells about God's love for us. Students must show an example of at least one of the vocabulary terms about colors in their design.

5th Grade Art

Kittyhawk Painting

Vocabulary: mood, movement

Learn how to draw a Wright Brothers style plane and create a watercolor painting to show mood and movement.

6th Grade Art

Illuminated Bible Verses

Vocabulary: illuminated manuscripts

Medieval Art

Choosing a favorite Bible verse and enlarging the first letter and decorating to draw attention in the style of Illuminated Manuscripts.

7th Grade Art

Cezanne Landscape Painting

Vocabulary: cubism

Artist: Cezanne

Mixed media project in the style of Paul Cezanne using chalk pastels and paint.

8th Grade Art

All About Canva: Graduation Announcements

Learning how to use Canva to create their own graduation announcement.