WEEK 8 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

The idea

The idea of this week is to build a simple smart circuit that contains at least TWO action components that could be controlled wirelessly using the Android GUI to control the action components

Tool Chain

This time I used

1- Arduino UNO to generate signals

2- Buzzer to generate sound

3- RGB LED to emit different colored light

4- wires and breadboard to connect the circuit

5-USB A to USB B cable to connect the Arduino with the laptop

6-220 Ohm Resistor for the LEDs connection

7-Bluetooth module for serial communication

Arduino Uno





220ohm resistor

Bluetooth module HC-05

Bluetooth module HC-05


Design/Preparation Process


By using FRITZING software, design and test the circuit before implement it physically


Arduino IDE

Using Arduino IDE, program the Arduino UNO to implement the actions needed



The video of the circuit showing the output actions

Video from Muhammad Ayman

Overcoming Challenges


When I started to design the circuit I opened TINKERCAD as usual to search about the components and check the circuit before implement it physically

but I did not found the most important component in the circuit - the Bluetooth module, so I used to deal with another circuits simulator like FRITZING

It is a wired software but Mr.YOUTUBE helped me a lot to deal with this weird

Community of Learning

Find a weirdo like you and never let them go

The WINNERS of the second MAKEATHON

The learning capsule of this week was NOT technical as usual!

This week I had had a disaster at my job during the session time...

It wasn't good at all, I felt depressed, everything is falling apart...

In fact, I felt that I was a big loser and that I couldn't balance work and diploma at the same time...

But the kind, supportive and funny spirits of my peers and instructors contained me at the time, they supported me when they knew the problem and this helped me calm down, complete the task and then win.

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

My final project is based on serial communication using Bluetooth module

this week, I used to design and code more than one circuit through the session activities or the week assignment using the Bluetooth module