Final Project Journal

Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the idea of your project. Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

Wasla-Tracker is a device consisting of two parts connected together using serial communication, Aim to facilitate the process between the passenger and driver

In the PASSENGER (User) Part, you can choose between a menu of stations, and select your drop point!

after you select your station, it appears directly on the DRIVER part.

Wasla tracker consists of two parts.

The first one is consist of a screen provided with four bottoms

1- up

to go up between the stations that recorded on the bus system

2- down

to go down between the stations that recorded on the bus system

3- Enter

To select your station

4- Nazzelny

To tell the driver to STOP within 10-20 meter

The second part is a large screen in front of the driver. when the rider selects his station, it appears directly on the driver screen with the number of passengers who have the same arrival point.

WASLA-tracker is not a GPS, But one of the future plans is to integrate WASLA_tracker with a GPS in the two parts, the driver and rider to more accuracy.

Also, we are planning to add a touchscreen with a keyboard to add comments to the driver and new stations to the system.

Project Construction

2- Explain the CAD process of your project. How did you use the software to design your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)




plywood 3mm


Arduino UNO


2*16 LCD screen


4*20 LCD screen


ON/OFF switch (Metal)


Buzzer 9v


Lead Metal Head






9v Adaptor



1-Design 2D parts on fusion 360 with the right dimensions of the used components

2- Extrude the body parts and prepare to assembly step

3- assembly

4- insert the components to check the dimensions and edit the sketch if needed

5- change the texture of the body to make it realistic

6- Extract your DXF file

7- insert DXF file on laser works

8- adjust the body parts

9-Adjust cutting sessions

10- Let the laser SHINE

1st step using FUSION 360



Side 1

Side 2



Extrude process

Assembly process

Assembly process

Assembly process

3- Explain the fabrication process of your project. How did you use the machine to fabricate your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)

I uploaded the extracted DXF files from Fusion 360 to Laser Works v6 to be cut on the Laser cutting machine

1- extract DXF files

2- open laser works v6

3- upload design files

4- adjust cutting settings


speed 15

power 70


speed 300

power 35

5- Download then RUN

Frame cutting settings

Body parts settings

Body parts arrangement



Project Electronics & Power Management

4- Describe your electronic circuit. What are the input and action components? What is the function of each? How do the components integrate together to form your smart system? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

Driver circuit

USER circuit

Input components


the brain of the device

Bush buttons

Control the menu UP, Down and select the stations

Output components

LCD 16*2

LCD 20*2 screens

to display the station, options, and messages

Buzzer and LED

to alarm the driver for any new request



5- What is your power source? How did you select the suitable power source for your project? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

WASLA _Tracker is designed to be used in transportation, so it will depend on a 12v car battery, but in this prototype, I used two 9v adapter to supply the two Arduino UNO by electricity then it will give a 5v output to all components.

Project Programming

6- Describe the code of your project. How did you program each function of the project?

Arduino code

USER part (Sender)

part 1 Menu (index) : I write all the libraries and define some variables .

part 2 (void setup) : I start with the communication between the Arduino and the LCD screen then set pin Mode and display a welcome message.

part 3 (void loop) : I start with the up and down push buttons using if condition and calling the function of show station then the push button of selection ( when i select it will print a message )

part 4 (void loop) : Then the push button of Nazzelny and it will display a message . Then the void show station that contain the menu of the stations that we call every time we press the up and down push buttons.

DRIVER part (receiver)

part 1 Menu (index) : I write all the libraries and define some variables .

part 2 : In void setup I start with the communication between the Arduino and the LCD screen and display a welcome message. In void loop printing the incoming data that the sender choose in the driver screen.

Project Integration & Testing

7- Demonstrate with text and visuals how did you integrate the project’s modules together? What are the testing results? (Include a Demo video separately, showing a proof of functionality)

testing vedio.mp4

Sharing & Collaboration

8- Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

My instructor advised me to put Constrain lines for any hidden part of the components inside and outside the body like button nuts, button edges, LCD inner edges ...etc

to prevent any cutting process through it.

Overcoming Challenges

9- When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this project?

It was my first time to use the METAL ON\OFF switch, and it has a specific wiring method because it contain a LED inside it

I searched a lot but I did not catch it

So, I texted my instructor then he send me this diagram and it worked

Future Work

10- If you had more time, what is one thing you would change/ Do next in your project?

If I have had more time, I would connect the 2 devices with Bluetooth module then add another big screen to display all the stations at the same time

Also, develop a mobile app to control this devices instead of the physical method is another modification

Final Project Design Files