Final Project Journal

Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the idea of your project. Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

Smart Home

The project idea is basically a home that has some smart features, like opening the door with a password or by the RFID tag.

It also has an IR sensor that can predict if anyone entered the room and turn the light on.

I always loved the idea of making something smart, like if we walked into a mall and it automatically opens the door or if we got closer to the electric stairs it start moving and all that other cool stuff, which are cool and also eco-friendly.

I was inspired by this project at first which its main concern is security.

Project Construction

2- Explain the CAD process of your project. How did you use the software to design your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)

I used Fusion 360 for Designing.

First, I started with the sketches at the bottom, the enclosure that will contain the circuit.

I designed the sides that have the tabs and T-slots first so I can know where to put the slots on the other side.

And then I designed the bottom for the enclosure, took a copy from the bottom to make the top of the closure, and opened 3 slots so the wires can pass through them.

Then, I made the sketches for the house, Starting with the sides first because they were more alike.

And then designed the house back, took a copy for the front, and added the slots for the keypad and the LCD, and the door as well.

At the end, I mounted the Arduino and LCD components.

Designing process

3- Explain the fabrication process of your project. How did you use the machine to fabricate your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)

I used the Laser cutter machine to make the project enclosure.

And the 3D printer for the door hinge.

I also used LaserWork to upload the files to the machine.

Project Electronics & Power Management

4- Describe your electronic circuit. What are the input and action components? What is the function of each? How do the components integrate together to form your smart system? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

There are three inputs in the circuit:

1- the password that the user enters through the keypad

2-the RFID card that gets read through the coil.

3-the IR sensor to detect objects.

The action components are the LED which will turn on if the sensor detected motion.

And the magnet lock will open if the password was right or the card was read or detected.

I used Fritizing desktop application to sketch the wiring diagram..

the components used are:

-Arduino UNO

-Relay module.

-IR sensor.

-RDM6300 RFID Reader Module.



-Keypad 3x4.

-9V battery. but I actually used a 5V adaptor for the magnet.

-Electrical magnet.

5- What is your power source? How did you select the suitable power source for your project? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

I used a 9V adaptor to power the Arduino since its power range is 7 to 12 volts.

For the magnet, I used a 5V adaptor that can get through the relay module because when I powered it from the Arduino it wasn't very strong.

Project Programming

6- Describe the code of your project. How did you program each function of the project?

First, I tried each component separately and made sure it was working properly.

I used this link as a reference to connect the RFID reader module with Arduino and tried its source code.

Then I tried to control the Magnet with the RFID


So if the card was read the magnet should be low, and therefore the door will open.

I also tried the keypad code separately with the magnet


then I modified it to be a full password.

If I entered '1' character it will open as well.

Finally, I tried the IR sensor with the LED before integrating the whole circuit together.

If the sensor detects any object which is the first case the led will turn on, else it will stay turned off.

At the end I combined the two modes and

Project Integration & Testing

7- Demonstrate with text and visuals how did you integrate the project’s modules together? What are the testing results? (Include a Demo video separately, showing a proof of functionality)

I combined the two modes and tried them both


defining variables.

setting up the mode for every pin.

After setting the 2 pin which is responsible for the lock always as high.

The first part of the code, is responsible for taking the password from the user and then store them in the digits variables, if the password is correct the pin will be low and the door will open.

then it empties all the variables to be ready to renter the password if it was wrong or to reopen the door.

the second part for the RFID reader, which will do the same if the card is read from the sensor.

The last part is responsible for the IR sensor, which will detect the door once it's open and the led will turn on.

Here's the final results!

Sharing & Collaboration

8- Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

I actually got a lot of help from all my colleagues starting from the designing process all the way to the end.

First, Michael suggested using the electrical magnet instead of the servo motor to open the door so I can learn about new components.

Mohamed Adel and Amany helped me in sketching the T-slots and tabs and their slots so they can fit properly.

Mohamed Tarek helped me to understand the relay module and shared this resource with us.

Ayman gave me the hinge that I used for the door, which he printed earlier so I can take its slots dimensions.

Mr. Wagih helped me with the wiring of the Relay and checked the circuit wiring.

And a lot more than that! it will take forever to mention!🙏

I also helped my colleague Lama with her source code to work properly.

Overcoming Challenges

9- When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this project?

I searched for the source codes for each component to try it and understand how it works.

I got this one for the keypad, and this for the relay.

And this recourse was a great help to wire the RFID reader because the IC wasn't labeled and also the source code worked from the first time. ✌

I also had some missing slots to hold something to stick with the magnet from the door side and Amany helped me to do that again with the Laser cutter.

And there were missing slots for the IR sensor and the LED, I had to use the electrical drill to open them.

I had a problem with the machine, I saw that it recuts the cut parts of the first sheet. And learned from Amany to delete the overlapped lines with LaserWork before downloading the file to the machine.


I had time with the LCD and Amany helped me to install the right library and it worked, but I didn't have time to install it.

Future Work

10- If you had more time, what is one thing you would change/ Do next in your project?

Add the fan with the temperature sensor and the LCD to the project.

Or choose a smaller enclosure for the project🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀

Final Project Design Files