RU Outreach

The RU Outreach campaigning against sexual exploitation.

On the 12th April 2021 Samuel Ioron Foundation embarked on the Rural, Urban Rightful outreach, a campaign against sexual exploitation and sensitization on human rights in vulnerable situations.

The campaign cut across seven sectors; Camp and humanitarian officers, Victims and survivors in the IDPs, Government, Donating bodies, schools, Host communities and NGOs.

The aim of the campaign is to sensitize the target groups on issues of human rights and sexual exploitation ongoing in IDPs in Nigeria.


The RU outreach commenced in Makurdi with visitation to the Federal Housing IDP camp at about 10: 00 am with fifteen staff and volunteers of the Samuel Ioron Foundation.

Federal Housing IDP Camp

Staff and volunteers hold a pre-orientation at the Federal Housing IDP camp in Northbank, Makurdi, Nigeria.

Displaced children at the Federal Housing IDP in Makurdi, Nigeria

Volunteers heading to the data collation site.

Staff at the IDP.

Staff collecting gifts for distribution at the camp.

Commencement of pre-survey at the IDP to gather knowledge on occurences at the IDP.

Camp official addressing the target audience.

Women adjusting their scattered tents destroyed by the rain.

Destroyed tents at the Federal Housing IDP camp.

Staff holding a brief conversation with a camp official.

Data collection at the IDP Camp.

A participant granting consenting for an interview.

Victor and Nguher sensitizing the camp officials.

Mimi having a dialogue with a participant.

Mimi and Member comparing notes on a participant.

A participant with Dooshima during dialogue with IDPs.

Staff discussing the "victims twice over" RU book.

Outreach coordinator collating data via Kobocollect.

Ene(volunteer and photographer)interviewing a participant.

Susan conducting interviews for the IDPs.

Staff interviewing a particpant.

Member with a participant at the camp.

Dr. Desmond conversing with a participant.

Chivir with a participant.

Staff with an IDP during an interview session.

Vanen and Seember collating data on sexual exploitation in IDP camps.

A cross-section of staff with a participant.

Sleeping tents at the Federal Housing IDP camp in Makurdi.


Ngunan and Mimi inquiring from Mama about her experiences living in the camp.

Nguher and Chivir listening to the complaints from camp residents at the NEPA IDP Camp.

A cross-section of women and children at the NEPA IDP Camp, Makurdi.

Vanen administering a consent form for a participant to read and sign on before an interview.

An Interview on-going on experiences of residents ate camp.

Staff carrying out interviews.

Victor talking about the importance of human rights.

Mimi explaining the impact of collaborative actions on effective management of IDP Camps.

Dooshima addressing residents on the camp.

Pre-Orientation on Kobocollect data collection using phones and laptops.

Member observing critically happenings at the IDP Camp.

Orientation on-going.

Seember using the RU book to educate the women on their rights at the IDPs.

Chivir answering a question after the RU book read.

Vanen discussing in the local dialect with the men on sexual exploitation.

A sensitization with the RU book to educate the men on human rights.

A brief talk on menstrual health and cloth pad usage.

Another session with women on human rights.

Interview at the camp.

A resident at the IDP sharing her experiences.


The RU outreach commenced in Guma with visitation to the Mbawa IDP camp at about 10: 00 am with seven staff and volunteers of the Samuel Ioron Foundation.

Mimi carrying out a menstrual cup usage demonstration during sensitization at the camp.

Interview with the host community at Mbawar in Daudu, Guma.

Preparation of data collection tools at the Daudu IDP camp.

Interview with residents of Mbawar, Daudu.

Sensitization with members of the Daudu community.

Interview with host community members.

Interview with residents of the IDP camp in Daudu.

Dooshima discussing with a member of the Mbawar, Daudu community.

Information sharing with residents at the Mbawar, Daudu community.

Ngunan interviews a former IDP who is now a resident in the host community.

Discussion with a resident at the camp.

Interview and sensitization on-going.

The team with the Deputy chairman of Guma local government area of Benue, Nigeria.

A camp official explaining on-going occurrences at the IDP camp.

A camp resident shares her experiences at the camp.

Interaction with a bereaved resident of the camp on the continuous attacks in neighbouring villages.

A one on one sensitization on rights of IDPs to a resident at camp.

Ngunan interacts with the residents and camp manager of the IDP camp in Daudu.

Victor interacting with a camp official.

Sensitization of the rights of IDPs and responsibilities to the host community.

The team entering into the host community for interview and sensitization.

Data collection point.


The RU outreach in Logo was a visit to the IDP camp at Anyiin. The outreach started at about 01:30 pm with five staff and volunteers of Samuel Ioron Foundation.

The shelter facilities in the camp.

Wandoo interviewing a Camp Official.

Dooshima interacting with the camp residents.

Mimi interviewing a camp resident.

The team setting up for the sensitization.

Wandoo reading the RU book.

Victor interacting with a camp official.

Camp residents listening on.

Wandoo translating from Pidgin English to Tiv during the session with the camp officials.

Children in the camp.

Dooshima with Mr. David-an official of Nigerian Red Cross Society.

A recently attacked camp resident.

Staff conversing with camp officials.

Mimi reading the RU book to camp residents.