
November 2020 - April 2021 Report


This report was prepared with information and data collected first hand from the residents at the Internally Displaced Camps, Host communities, Camp and Humanitarian Officers including external relevant stakeholders. Data was collected through participatory interviews, kobocollect forms, feedback sessions, discussions, observations and public virtual meetings with the use of Zoom and Google Meet.

All staff were involved in the data collection process and the monitoring and evaluation officer, the project coordinator and the project officer for health and governance were involved in the preparation of this report.

The project was initiated with the following objectives:

  • Awareness creation on the criminality of sexual exploitation and abuse.

  • Create awareness of the rights available to IDPs and improve accountability processes in handling provisions provided to IDPs.

  • Contribute to a reduction of gender based violence and increase access to education.

  • Influencing the protection and enforcement of human rights through policies, which enhance access to justice, domestication of the universal basic human rights convention.

  • Reduction of unwanted, unplanned and teenage pregnancies in the IDP camps.

  • Increased development, towards providing an inclusive, qualitative, and sustainable environment.

This is the 6 month monitoring and evaluation report detailing the activities planned and the progress made in conducting these activities and the steps taken to achieving the goals of this project. This is necessary to assess whether or not the project is on track and if adjustments need to be made to ensure that the project is conducted successfully and all objectives are met.


RU Project Activities and Progress

During the 6 months time frame covered by this report, a number of activities were planned out for the project to aid in the achievement of different outputs and outcomes and the indicators were set to enable proper monitoring of activities as planned. In this time period, some activities have been completed while some are still in progress.

Completed Activities

  • Conduct recorded interviews with 15 women and girls by November 27, 2020 - Recorded interviews were conducted with 11 girls from the IDP camp as at the 27th of November, 2020.

  • Debriefing and reading of project plan - The project plan was read to all staff at the staff training conducted on the 16th - 19th of December, 2020

  • Transcribing of all conducted interviews by February 10, 2021 - All conducted interviews were transcribed by the 31st of January, 2021.

  • Launch program - Project was launched as stipulated on the 10th of December

  • Drawing illustrations, editing dialogue and translation to local languages by March 9, 2021 - Illustrations were drawn and translation was done as at march 9, 2021.

  • Creating and publishing of the RU illustration book - The RU illustration book was created and published and is available in English, German, Pidgin and Tiv languages.

  • Stakeholder mapping and sending out letters by 25th January, 2021 - This stakeholder mapping was done and letters were sent out to all stakeholders at the stipulated date.

  • Conduct staff training - A 3 day training session was conducted for all staff and contributors where 9 staff and 6 contributors were trained.

  • RU Curriculum Drafting by February 20, 2021 - The RU curriculum was drafted by February 17, 2021 and a 105 paged curriculum was produced.

  • Social media campaigns and press release March 6 - 20, 2021 - Social media campaign was started successfully.

Activities in Progress

  • Sensitization campaigns May, 2021 - Online sensitization and physical sensitization at IDP camps have also commenced. This was not originally included in the 6 month plan but has however commenced successfully.

In this time we have visited 4 IDP camps and conducted sensitization sessions with about 308 residents and about 35 officials. 3 virtual sessions were also held with members of the public and other stakeholders.

The online sensitization commenced on the 18th of March, 2021, while the physical sensitization campaigns at IDP camps commenced on the 12th of April, 2021 weeks ahead of the scheduled time.

  • Scripting of the RU radio drama is still in progress and a few episodes have been scripted out of the 53 episodes slated for the radio drama.

Outputs Achieved

  • Improvement in staff knowledge and skills - Based on the surveys conducted, staff have shown an improvement in skills and knowledge especially with regards to the RU project and conducting the activities of this project.

  • Staff training sessions - A 3 day staff training session was conducted to provide important knowledge and skill training for staff. 9 staff and 6 contributors were trained during this training session.

  • The RU curriculum - A 105 paged curriculum was produced.

  • The RU illustration book - An illustration book with 10 pages of illustration and 9 pages of text was produced.

Project Evaluation

The process of evaluating this project to ensure that it achieves its outcomes has also commenced. The following evaluation activities have been carried out:

  • The change in knowledge among staff of SIF was measured using a quantitative research method by conducting two surveys - one before the training and exposure to the RU project and its materials and one after - to measure their knowledge and knowledge gained due to exposure to the RU project and the training provided. This evaluation process showed that staff gained new knowledge with regards to the RU project. 4 out of 10 staff said yes and 3 staff said maybe to gaining new knowledge about the lives of IDPs.

  • Collection of baseline data from the public as well as the IDPs is also ongoing as this will help to measure important outcomes such as the creation of awareness on the occurrence of SGBV in IDP camps with indicators measuring the number of individuals aware of these occurrences.

Summary of Project Challenges

  • The recorded interviews were conducted with 11 instead of 15 girls as the girls on the camp were threatened with eviction from the camp if they spoke to us. 3 of the 11 interviewed girls were later evicted from the camp as a result of the interview they participated in.

  • Radio drama scripting - The scripting of the radio drama is supposed to have been completed but due to certain challenges, the script is yet to be completed.

  • Violence is escalating in many IDP host communities such as Agatu, Abagana, Guma, Logo etc making it difficult to conduct sensitization in these communities.

  • Difficulty in collecting data for some indicators such as number of rape and GBV cases reported, number of pregnant teenagers, number of children in school etc as the IDP camps visited did not have proper records of rape or GBV cases reported and they also do not make reports to the police as the camps are authorities unto themselves.

This means that it is difficult for outside authorities to intervene in the cases occurring in the camp as the commandant from the State Emergency Management authority (SEMA) is the only one who can invite outside authorities into cases that occur in the IDP camp. This makes the collection of baseline data difficult.

There is also conflicting information on the availability of information as the camp manager claims there is a database while the camp officials say that there is no such database and no way to tell the number of people on the camp, the number of children in school, teenagers that are pregnant or people who experience SGBV while on the camp and this makes it difficult to collect baseline data for important indicators.

Strategies to overcome the challenges

  • Virtual sessions are suggested for the sensitization in the communities where we cannot travel to. Although this comes with its own challenges with data and poor internet connectivity.

  • Sharing the curriculum and the RU book with key persons in these communities to encourage them to carry out these activities in IDP camps close to them as these items are easy to use.

  • Collecting baseline data using surveys to measure experience of and the occurrence of rape, sexual harassment or exploitation and ensuring visual and auditory privacy to promote honesty among residents.

Administrative Review

During the course of the RU project, a number of important administrative changes have been made. 2 on-site members of staff who started the RU project have been let go and new staff members are coming on board. Two virtual members of staff are also to be replaced and some positions have been reshuffled within a 4 month period.

This has however not affected the achievement of the goals of this project although administrative stability is important for project success.

Interaction with Beneficiaries

The interaction with the major beneficiaries of this project (IDPs) has been good especially with regards to sensitization and the collection of baseline data for evaluation. It was however observed that some of the IDPs were not completely honest in their responses especially with regards to sexual exploitation as they may have been afraid of repercussions from the officials.


With regards to the activities stated for this 6 month period and the outputs slated for this period, the RU project is on track with achieving its outputs and outcomes based on the completed activities and progress on the other activities. There have been some challenges which have affected the progress of some parts of the project but the strategies and efforts of staff of the organization has ensured success in the completion of activities and the achievement of goals.


Due to the attention received from the project concerning happenings at the camp and published by The Nation's newspaper and the Women's Media Center, we have collaborated with the Sunshine Wellness Series to provide therapeutic services to the beneficiaries interviewed at the earlier stage of the project. This is to support mental health and personal development of the survivors of sexual exploitation.