At this phase of the EqualAccess-DB we are working with eight selected stakeholders at different IDP camps to show case different stories and experiences of people living on these camps.

Mlumun (Not real name) one of the eight selected stakeholders narrating her experience on the IDP camp. Stating how she came to live on the camp and how life on camp has been with her and her family.

This is how the tents seen and described in the documentaries by our stakeholders is built from the scratch.

Zion (Comms. Ass.) and Mimi (M & E) seeking the consent of a stakeholder before engagement.

Mimi interviewing a stakeholder, while Zion prepares for shooting.

Mimi going through the script for next question with our volunteer Reuben.

Mimi, Aondoaver and Reuben expressing that  joy of getting a satisfying result during an activity.

The team going through the questions over again to get effective result.

At SIF it's always fun with the team.

A part 8 series