EADB Workshops

Co-Creation Workshop

Our Co-creation workshops involve collaborating with local communities in the context of our project and other stakeholders to develop the Equal Access DB project until its completion. Local contexts can change rapidly due to evolving social, economic, and environmental factors, and our Co-creation workshops enable real-time adjustments and adaptations to the project based on feedback and changing circumstances. This ensures that the EADB remains relevant and effective over time.

We will have several co-creation workshops with our core project team and other stakeholders during the project's lifetime. 

Core Project Team Co-Creation Workshop

Our first co-creation workshop kicked off with our stakeholders from local communities participating, and sharing inputs to ensure the effective implementation of our project. 

Capturing the team's joy under the open sky, amidst lush green trees captures the team's energy and unity as they stand together, this exciting group photograph radiates camaraderie and shared accomplishments against a beautiful outdoor backdrop. 

Collaborative synergy in action, The Monitoring and Evaluation department engages in a vibrant brainstorming session for risk assessment in the Equal Access DB project. Meanwhile, the Communications team ensures online engagement by live streaming the process. It's a harmonious blend of on-ground strategy and virtual connectivity. 

Chivir takes the lead, facilitating a session on local campaign and project planning. Her expertise paves the path for strategic initiatives that will resonate within the community. 

Aondaver's portrait proudly showcases his commitment, Wearing the Equal Access DB Project t-shirt, he embodies dedication to the cause and amplifies the project's vision. 

Embracing the task with enthusiasm! Aondaver's bright smile reflects his focused dedication as he engages with his laptop. The joy of productivity shines through! 

Navigating uncertainty with expertise! Mimi Atom, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, takes the lead in this session, facilitating a discussion on risk assessment for the Equal Access DB project. Her insights guide participants toward a clearer understanding of managing challenges and opportunities. 

Mimi Atom, guiding a session on mental health. Her expertise brings light to a crucial topic, fostering understanding and well-being. 

Mapping the path to success, In this image, the group is deeply engrossed in a dynamic exercise, jotting down key strategies for effective project management. It's all about shared insights and actionable plans. 

Glory Zion and Sandra radiate joy in this group photograph, embodying the energy and camaraderie of an unforgettable moment. 

This image captures the scene as participants listen intently to the facilitator's words, eager to absorb knowledge and insights. 

Igniting innovation for the Equal Access DB Project, this snapshot captures the heart of teamwork as members huddle around a board, brainstorming ideas that will drive the project's success. The collective energy and determination are palpable. 

Power of teamwork in action! This snapshot captures the group exercise where participants collaborate, brainstorm, and strategize to develop an innovative project. Together, they're turning ideas into reality. 

Selfie game strong! Sandra and Zion light up the frame with their beaming smiles, making memories that are as vibrant as their friendship. 

A picture filled with happiness! Every face in the group shines with smiles, reflecting the camaraderie and positivity of this wonderful moment captured. 

Capturing collaboration at its finest! This group photograph immortalizes the on-site attendees of the co-creation workshop, a collective force driving innovation and change. Together, they're shaping the future. 

Chivir takes the spotlight, explaining her ideas with passion. The attentive group members diligently take notes, a scene that embodies collaboration and the pursuit of knowledge. 

This distant shot captures Chivir, absorbing the scene ahead. Her focus reflects the thoughtful approach she brings to every endeavor. 

A cheerful moment captured! Sandra Osademe, Digital Communication Manager, radiates positivity with her bright smile and the iconic two-finger raise. Her enthusiasm is contagious! 

Tag a Stakeholder Exercise

The project team worked together to develop project activities sharing real life stories, experiences, lessons learned and taking turns to co-design what an effective working project will be for them. 

At the end of the exercise, the project team mapped out fifteen co-creation activities to use in implementing campaigns for the Whistleblower programme and how to sensitise the local communities. 

Dooshima and Sule in a mutual exchange, as they participate in the exercise, they strengthen their connection by sharing insights about each other. Team dynamics grow stronger through these personal interactions. 

Sule contributes his understanding of Dooshima during the pair exercise, deepening their mutual understanding and enhancing the fabric of the team's camaraderie. 

Shirley and Joy connect through sharing, as they take part in the paired exercise, Shirley gains insights into Joy's background and experiences, strengthening their rapport and teamwork. 

Joy's turn to contribute, as she shares her understanding of Shirley during the paired exercise, their bond grows stronger, fostering a collaborative and harmonious team environment. 

Mimi and Aondaver connect through sharing too, Engaging in the paired exercise, Mimi gains insights into Aondaver's background and perspectives, enhancing their collaboration and mutual respect. 

Aondaver speaks from the heart During the paired exercise, he expresses his admiration for Mimi's commitment, strengthening their bond and acknowledging the value each team member brings. 

Adewale opens up about what he knows about Sandra during a paired exercise. This activity fosters understanding and strengthens team bonds 

Reciprocal understanding in action as Sandra shares her insights about Adewale during the paired exercise, deepening their connection and reinforcing the spirit of teamwork. 

Zion highlights Adewale's values, During the paired exercise, Zion shares how Adewale's role as a family man shines through his love, respect, and the thoughtful way he involves his wife's input in his decisions. 

Glory acknowledges Mimi's leadership, Glory highlights Mimi's approach to inclusiveness, recognizing her efforts to ensure every team member's voice is heard and valued.