The Lit Mag
We need YOU to make our magazine great! Please consider submitting poems, short fiction, creative writing, photos, art, etc. for publication in our annual literary magazine. This year's theme: NOSTALGIA.
Submit pieces using our Literary Magazine Submission Form (below). A Writing Center consultant will review your piece and communicate with you throughout the publishing process. Look for the latest edition mid-May!
The 2024 Literary Magazine
Check out the SIXTH annual publication of our literary magazine.

The 2023 Literary Magazine
Check out the FIFTH annual publication of our literary magazine.

The 2021 Literary Magazine
Check out the FOURTH annual publication of our literary magazine. While we did not have enough time to print hard copies, we do have a fantastic collection of pieces centered on distance--a fitting theme given the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the 2020-2021 school year.

The 2020 Literary Magazine
Check out the THIRD annual publication of our literary magazine. While we couldn't publish our literary magazine in hard copy form, we did put together an online collection that celebrates student writers, artists, and photographers. Enjoy!

The 2019 Literary Magazine
Check out the SECOND annual publication of our literary magazine. We celebrated the launch of our publication on Monday, May 20, 2019!

The 2018 Literary Magazine
The FIRST annual student publication is here! We're so proud of all the students who contributed works of art, fiction, poetry, and analysis.