Rancho San Juan High School


ESports Eスポーツ

Alondra Rodriguez

This presentation is to inform and explain what esports is in general and how esports is in japan. I always loved playing games and never knew about esports until my friend told me. Esports is more than just games, but a professional sport like any other sports where the players take time to practice and prepare. I learned that professional esports bring people to work as a team. I want to correctly inform people about esports so it gets the respect and status it deserves.

What Is Esports?-Alondra Rodriguez

Alexandra tries out Japanese Street Fashion!


Alexandra Garcia

I recorded a video that shows me trying out various Japanese street fashion. The reason why I choose this topic is because I was always interested in fashion and fashion is like a work of art to me. I learned several people interested in street fashion and how they took their emotions and made them express themselves through fashion. I wanted to try something new, something that makes me feel happy. And I found this video project will forever be in my memories.

Japanese Pop Culture


Mathea Alonzo-Ruelas

I created a website that explains, teaches, and informs people about Japanese pop culture. I choose this topic, because I love the aspects of Japanese pop culture like anime, manga, music, video games, and more. I learned that Japanese pop culture has many subcultures that makeup Japan and aspects that make Japan know well worldwide. I am interested in learning more about the aspects I already know about Japanese pop culture and the aspects I have yet to learn.

History of Japanese Language


Zihan Geng

The purpose of my project was to learn how have the Japanese language evolved over time. This project really helped me learn more about the Japanese language that I am studying.

Beautiful Bonsai


Abigail Ferrales

I created a poster/drawing depicting different types of Japanese art styles and different painters. I chose this topic because I didn't know much about it and I always enjoyed doing art and learning more about it. I learned that a lot of Japanese Art was influenced by Chinese Art as well. One Japanese art style that I particularly liked was Sumi-e. It is art that is done in monochrome and is black. I thought it was beautiful how using one color can produce such a beautiful piece of art.

Click on the link below to view the entire digital poster

Early History of Japan


Pedro Aguirre-Salas

I created an Infographic on ancient Japanese history. I chose my topic because I love history. I especially love ancient history, such as Ancient Rome or Classical Greece. I loved to learn about how the ancient Japanese emperors used ideal from China and India to make their home a better place.

Japanese and American Role Models


Jezmarie Avila

I chose this topic because I wanted to learn more about what kinds of people teens idolize in Japan. Japan and America have very different cultures, so I wondered if that affected the type of people they look up to also. I found that we look up to many people for the same reason. Many teens in Japan and America want change, which is why some of the most famous people in these countries are promoting these changes. I think this shows that we are not all so different, and that our race does not affect what we value.

Japanese and American Role Models
Japanese impact project

One Chance

하나 機会

Nevaeh Drummer

I composed an original song to open up people’s minds more and to change their judgement upon different genres of music. Writing the chorus for me was the most important part since the message is clearly said in the chorus, and I do hope that people start to give different types of music chances no matter if you can understand it or not. I also hope that me writing songs in different languages that aren’t my native language also motivates people to do or listen to something new.

The Era of the Samurai


Jose Daniel Ramos

I chose the Samurai because I believe without them the world would be less interesting. Then after this project I realized how the Samurai, Shogun, Daimyos, and Emperors were all so important in Japan. I believe that without the samurai, Japan wouldn't be the way it is today; filled to the top with fascinating culture and customs, rich in history and legacy. In conclusion, I think the Samurai are really important to the world's history.

Animals Under COVID

Animals Under Covid-19


Betzi Mena & Annette Duran

We made a google slide presentation about zoos and aquariums and how they are being impacted by Covid-19. We both love animals, so this topic is important to us. We included how you can support zoos/aquariums during these times. Everyone is impacted, including animals, so every little bit helps.

Brianna's Favorite Japanese Fashion & Movies


Brianna Garcia

I created a project that talked about what I find interesting in Japanese fashion and movies. I chose this topic because even though they are completely different things, they both influenced me into learning more about the Japanese culture. I have learned that fashion in Japan inspires fashion all around the world! Japan has impacted my life because it is totally different from what I’m used to and I would love to continue learning more!

Brianna’s Japanese Impact Project

Animals in Japan


Adrian Trevino

The fold-out poster is about the different animals in the four main islands of Japan. There are many interesting animals throughout Japan. Japan is a place where people have respect for the animals. It makes me appreciate their culture.

History of Japanese Art


Ashley Roman

My project explains how Japanese art has gone through many different and exciting changes throughout its history. From learning about famous paintings and sculptures to finding out what made each era of Japanese art so unique, I hope my project will not only teach you about the long history of Japanese art, but also inspire you to delve deeper into it.

Image Description

<----Click on the document left for descriptions of each era.

Manga (Impact Project) - Guadalupe Castro

MY Manga


Guadalupe Castro

Throughout the project, I learned the basics of Japanese manga. My learning consisted of manga styles, some background history, kanji, manga categories, etc . The project created an impact on myself and on my Japansese learning! This was a wonderful and unique experience!

Covid 19 in Japan: People & Pets


Rafael Vargas

This project explains how the Japanese people are affected by Covid-19 and the significance of having pets to help them cope with isolation.

Covid 19 in日本

Bringing Onigiri Home


Andrea Urueta

Onigiri is a common part Japanese life, it ranges from gifts to snacks to meals. It has changed throughout history and this is how I brought it home with me.

Click on the link below to see the digital poster


Anime Pop アニメポップ

Adrian Doroy

This poster is all about anime, specifically popular anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion, My Hero Academia, and etc. This poster has the main character/popular character of those popular anime on it. I am really proud of this drawing. This has to be my best drawing ever and I am especially proud of how Eva Unit-01 came out.

American & Japanese Snacks


Edgar Origel

I researched and compared Japanese and American snacks because I feel it is very interesting to find out what the teens in two places eat as snacks, such as candies and chips.

Japanese Pop Culture


Laura Castro & Kaitlyn Francis

Our presentation is about Pop culture In Japan. We introduce some of the most interesting topics in Japanese Pop culture!

Laura, Kaitlyn - Japanese Pop Culture project

Getting to Know Japanese Spirituality


David Amesquita

My project is about how spiritual beliefs have changed and what Shinto and Buddhism are. Something interesting about Shinto isn't preached and doesn't have scriptures but is instead embedded into Japanese traditions. Something else that piqued my interest was that the sun god (Amaterasu) was the most important god.