North Salinas High School


Amabie: A Beacon of Hope

Ximena Vega

My project is about Amabie, a legendary yokai monster said to have prophesied the spread of disease. Amabie is also a symbol of hope and was said to cure people of disease just by its image. It's custom in Japan to try to drive off epidemics or in this case a pandemic, by drawing oni ogres (demons/spirits) on pieces of paper and displaying them. I wanted to join in with the Japanese people in spreading the image of Amabie with a poem alongside it to inspire hope. This project was not an easy journey for me, I feared I'd fail to achieve my own "perfectionist" like expectations, but with resilience I was able to finish with something I was proud of.

One day - Ximena Vega

My Self-Value: Civic Duty


Eva Paola Calderon

A first-hand experience of dealing with inequality in the workforce prompted me to question this notion. Why is it that inequality still arises in different forms in a country where equality is valued? I found my answer to this being my own civic duty to help promote a more equitable society.

I wanted to raise awareness to an issue that is still prominent in our society, especially seen in the media. With the light of new issues, such as the infamous college admissions scandal, our society still has barriers for all to have an equal opportunity. I hope in this speech, I was able to convey my message of having people understand their power of civic duty can make a difference. By playing our roles in being activists, we can help fix pressing issues in our society that future generations will not have to worry about.

Supporting the Japanese Learning Community Project

MA Stefanie Breboneria & Dereck Riley & Paulina Cabrera

We want to support the community by help advertise the younger audience to become interested and open minded to the idea of learning Japanese culture. By doing so, we want to make a short interactive presentation in order to showcase what to expect when taking Japanese in High School.

Also, we hope you/class representatives can use and show this to the future high school students in orientations!

japan pop culture (presentation)

Japan Pop Culture

Samantha Rivera

This project revolves around pop culture in japan. It explores their music, fashion and sports. Throughout this project, I was able to focus more on another culture which was new to me since I tend to stick to one thing. It was fun to explore more about japan’s pop culture, hopefully through my project I will be able to inspire others to do the same. It’s a great thing to learn about places outside of your own culture/country/etc.

Making Salmon Onigiri

Ryan Albert Hueck

Learn about how to make delicious Salmon Onigiri. I also explore the origins of the traditional onigiri dish.

Jacqueline Fernandez-Lopez - My Personal Impact Project FINAL SUBMISSION

The Life of Osamu Tezuka

Jacqueline Fernandez Lopez

This is a comic that I drew about Osamu Tezuka's life. Osamu Tezuka, AKA the Japanese Walt Disney, is the grandfather of manga (Japanese comics).

The History of the Alphabets, Dialects, and Pronunciations in the Japanese Language

Richard Ryan Tambo

In this video project, I went over some history of the Japanese language. We go over the origins of the three alphabets in Japan and how “standard” Japanese spread. It is also went over how syllables were a long time ago.

Japanese Animal Cafes

Japanese Animal Cafes

Joanna Madrigal & Nishmeth Verdugo & Alexander Mena & Alysha Lopez

If you are ever around in Japan while wanting to meet cute animals and also wanting to eat delicious pastries these cafes might be the place for you. In these special cafes you can play with them and hold them. If you're also willing to spend a bit extra you may feed them with treats.

Japanese Instrumental Music Basics

Eddie Santos

Basics to Traditional Japanese Music. Learn about Scales, types of Japanese music, and some culture. This project was quite satisfying to make, particularly sharing and arranging the info just for you. :)

Smartphone Games: Mobagame & Money


Tricia Katada

There are a lot of smartphones in the world, which means a lot of people can easily access apps. A large portion of this are games that have many effects on a person.

Japanese Mythology

William Provins

Japanese Festival Meanings

Michelle Wang

The video will explain why people wear yukata festivals. It will also explain what are in stalls during festivals and also why people join shrine festivals.

How to make a Japanese strawberry roll cake!

Laisha Castrejon

This is a blog on how to make a strawberry roll cake that is currently popular among bakeries in Japan. It has step by step instructions and pictures to help you bake the cake.

Pop Culture


Audrey Tran

Comparing Japanese and American pop culture. Memes, Vines, and music!

Japanese Fashion Over the Years

Fernanda Hernandez Mena

Fernanda Hernandez Mena - My Personal Impact Project FINAL SUBMISSION

Ultraman・Game Center CX・Girls' Last Tour: Giant Reviews All-Out Attack

Jonathan Serafica

Japan has very interesting pop-culture and it comes as no surprise that their charming work has made its way into various other cultures. However some pieces of Japanese media aren't really that well-known elsewhere, so allow Jonathan to pull back the curtain to some of his favorite Japanese media. You might just find yourself a new favorite TV show!

Japanese Architecture Over Various Periods

Bryan Garcia Gallaga

My project is an oral presentation of Japanese architecture with images to accompany it. It goes over some time periods as well as describe what makes Japanese architecture what it is today and what inspired it.

I got some new insight to what shaped not only Japanese architecture but also culture such as what inspired Japanese culture.

It did help me learn more about what interests me and get out of my comfort zone since I had to almost go blind into the project and it took a lot of effort to get it done.

In my research I found much more than before and while I don’t fully remember all of it I did get more proficient when it comes to Japanese.I got some new insight to what shaped not only Japanese architecture but also culture such as what inspired Japanese culture.

I am most proud of the fact I was able to do everything about the presentation on my own. Something I would do differently is perhaps making it more creative and not just a simple presentation.

I may plan to explore some Japanese slang next or try to watch something in Japanese without any subtitle and try to learn that way.

Introduction into Shogi 将棋試合

Miguel Rodriguez

A brief introduction into shogi and how the pieces move. What the pieces are called in English and Japanese, and a video at the end to show a game and how its different from chess.

Japanese Revolutionary Technology


Axel Magana Gonzalez

Japan has been the origin of several revolutionary technologies. One of them transformed modern transportation and is used in multiple countries around the globe, the bullet train. Another invention created in Japan that had a great impact was the first camera on a mobile device, the first camera phone. These inventions have been improved countless times since their origin and are now used in everyday life influencing millions of people on a daily basis.

Axel Magana Gonzalez - My Personal Impact Project FINAL SUBMISSION.docx

Japanese Table Etiquette

Christian Lonero

Different cultures and areas of the world have unique mannerisms that are considered to be customary. Here, you will find a bit more information on Japanese culture and table etiquette!

Japanese Cinema

Elijah Laforteza

Ever wonder what japanese movies are like? Well in this you will learn the basics of what a japanese movie is, the most popular movies and How they have affected me!

Japanses Presintation

Japanese Holidays

Dylan Ignacio & Raul Rios

Japanese Language Resources


Eva Paola Calderon

As a Japanese language learner, I found it difficult to find resources for studying outside of the classroom. We all have different ways we learn best, whether visual or auditory. I created the resource list with mini blog style posts about websites I felt helped me a lot to improve my reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Along with some recommendations of media and entertainment, immersion truly is the best key to learn a language. I hope that my resource list can help all Japanese learners in their studies, no matter if they are only beginning or advanced.

JNHS Outreach - Language Resources
Cesar Ramirez - My Personal Impact Project FINAL SUBMISSION

Japanese Tourist Spots

Cesar Ramirez

How to Make Japanese Fluffy Pancakes

Daniela Ochoa & Nayeli Villa


Major Events in Japan

Tyler Pesl

Japanese Animals


Andrea Fernandez

Learn about different Japanese animals. Both native to Japan and non-native but still found their way there. Somehow.

Japanese food

Japanese Food

Hugo Aguilera Guzman

Helpful Japanese words for Study

Rachel Franklin

Isabella Chaney - My Personal IMPACT Project

Japanese Traditions, Food & Government

Isabella Chaney & Madeline Iorio & Alejandra Castro

We learned a lot about Japanese cultures and also watched some cooking videos while doing the research which was very interesting. We may try it out. It was kind of hard at first, but we started actually reading and it became more interesting and I wanted to learn more about Japan and maybe one day we will go visit.

Japanese Art

Franchesca Ehrlich

Japanese Art
Xavier Taylor - My Personal Impact Project

Japanese Animals

Xavier Taylor

Japanese food: Fugu and uni

Cesar Arroyo Chavez

My Impact project talks about two unique Japanese dishes which are fugu and uni and I talk about health risks and health benefits that there may be when eating these foods I also talk about the training that chefs have to go through in order to prepare these dishes and I show what each food looks like after it is prepared. Thank you Roe Sensei for the help and I hope you enjoy my presentation.

Japanese Art: Hokusai

Alexandra Villicana

My project is about the painting called The Great Wave Off Kanagawa. I researched things about the artist that painted it, the time period it was made in, and the meaning of the painting.

Daifuku Mochi

Lizbeth Esparza Lopez

Daifuku mochi is one of the first types of mochi that were originally made during the edit period. Daifuku mochi is said to be a lucky dessert and we’re often advertised by their sellers as the lucky mochi. In the video I make daifuku mochi with strawberries inside of it.

Japanese Animals

Ashley Robinson

My project is about Japan animals and it mentions three specific endangered species, habitat destruction, and climate change.

Environmental Issues of Japan

Angela Cruspero

This presentation showcases how art can influence the audience to be aware of their surroundings in simple, yet impactful paintings and or drawings. Japan’s environment is the perfect way to present environmental issues. It is a small country with beautiful scenery, yet suffers the most for waste management.

Final Impact Project _ 六 .mp4
My interest in japan

Transportation in japan: Trains

Dylan Nieves

My project is about the transportation in Japan, specifically on the trains. This will help someone who is looking to use the trains to travel around Japan.

Japanese video games


Manuel Gallegos

Personal Japanese Impact
Japanese Pop Culture

Japanese Pop Culture


Jocelyn Placencia

I am most proud of the organization of the slides and the translation from English to Japanese. Translating the text from English to Japanese was not easy and took some time but I’m proud of my end product even if my Japanese isn’t perfect. I did end up learning more Kanji because of this project.

Something I would do differently to add more visuals and have more research on my topic. I feel like adding more pictures or even a GIF would have helped the presentation and give more detail. I also only really scratched the surface on my research and I know there is more I can learn with not only my topic but other things as well.

Japanese Food, Music, & Anime

Noah Umamoto & Xi Wen

My Personal Impact - Xi, Noah

Earthquakes in Japan


David Barajas & Ximena Quintero

Our project focuses on the 2011 Japanese earthquake. We studied and researched how and why the earthquake affected Japan. We also added video examples of the Japanese earthquake. We already had some personal knowledge on the earthquake, so we decided to make our project on the earthquake.