Alisal High School


"I aimed to show people the differences of two cultures daily life."


Emmanuel Manalac - Japanese3

Purpose: I chose this topic since I have wondered what daily life is like in an average Japanese apartment. I have toyed with the idea of living in Japan.

Reflection: I am proud of using new vocabulary and incorporating it into the video.

#My Japanese Impact Project


Japanese Pop Culture

Japanese Project.mp4

日本の音楽 Japanese Music

Daisy Victorino - Japanese2

"I think that music is a universal language and it does not matter what language you speak, music is something everyone can enjoy."

Purpose: I learned more about how I express myself through the songs/musicians that I listen too,

Reflection: I am the proudest of putting all of the information that I got into simple terms that the audience could understand.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Daisy Victorino - My Personal Japanese Impact Project - Google Slides.webm

日本のゲーム Japanese Game

Giovanni Mantuhac - Japanese2

"I am most proud of learning new Japanese vocabulary and expanding my knowledge in Japanese culture."

Purpose: The purpose of this project was to expand our knowledge to Japanese culture and to learn new terms as the process goes on.

Reflection: I briefly know what the game industry is like.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Kami Export - Add a heading (1).pdf

たこやき Takoyaki

Kayla Mead - Japanese2

"I was having doubts about how it would turn out , and I doubt myself a lot, but doing this project kind of helped me realize that I can make things work out if I really put my mind to it."

Kami Export - Add a heading (1).pdf

Purpose: I chose this topic because I enjoy cooking and Japanese dishes are always tasty and fun to make from what I have experienced.

Reflection: I'm most proud of how I modified the recipe, but it still turned out pretty well!

#My Japanese Impact Project


House Structure

Fernanda Ayala - Japanese2

"I am proud of remembering some of the sentence starters that I used."

Purpose: I understood during my research that Japanese houses were built with the intention of each room having a purpose.

Reflection: I accomplished describing some of the rooms that are built in Japanese houses.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Personal Impact project`


Japanese Endangered Animals

Jennifer Melgoza - Japanese2

"I think there's many stereotypes that are not necessarily right."

Purpose: I think it’s important to shed light on that (endangered animals) as well as awareness for endangered animals.

Reflection: learned about Japanese culture and their view of animals.

#My Japanese Impact Project

My Personal Japanese Impact Project (May 25, 2020 at 1:31 PM).MOV


American and Japanese Health Care

Elizabeth Martinez - Japanese2

Kami Export - (Final)(2) My Personal Japanese Impact Project Poster.pdf


Japanese and Mexican Food to Try during Quarantine

Efren Duarte - Japanese2

My Attempt with The Traditional Style

日本の芸術 Japanese Art

Jennifer Yanez - Japanese2

"Due to this project I have yet again opened myself to try something new and I don't dislike it!"

Purpose: I chose this topic because art is one of my personal hobbies. So, I was really interested to see if there was any difference between Japanese modern art and its traditional art.

Reflection: It's complicated to draw animals, and particularly bigger animals as the figures need and have more details.

#My Japanese Impact Project

日本の美術 Japanese Art

Adriana Hernandez - Japanese2

"I was able to successfully make my family in learning more about other cultures."

Purpose: To understand Japanese art in a different perspective, as well as understanding the challenges that come with it.

Reflection: I learned that painting with a fude is very difficult.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Kami Export - Add a heading_page-0001.pdf

アメリカの医療 vs 日本の医療

American Health Care vs Japanese Health Care

Richard Rojas-Rangel - Japanese2

"learned how the japanese healthcare is one of the best in the world"

Kami Export - Add a heading_page-0002.pdf

Purpose: Because i wanted to learn about the Japanese healthcare.

Reflection: I now know how different cultures take an approach to health care.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Japanese art.pdf


Japanese Art

Jennifer Santiago & Eduardo Ruelas - Japanese2


Japanese Basketball

Omar Cruz - Japanese2

Untitled: May 13, 2020 3:53 PM.webm



Anette Lopez - Japanese2

"I’d like to make an impact by letting people know what living in Japan is by knowing their surroundings."

Purpose: I chose this topic because it was interesting for me to see what differences apartments in Japan and here are.

Reflection: I am proud that I at least tried making sentences in Japanese even if they are wrong.

#My Japanese Impact Project


Japanese Clinics and Hospitals

Angela Ortiz - Japanese2

"I'm sure I've made some errors but I did try my best and I'm pretty happy with the final results of my project."

Purpose: My purpose was to explore a part of Japan by myself and present it to a Japanese audience.

Reflection: I would like to say I am proud of the amount of research I've done and was able to translate into Japanese.

#My Japanese Impact Project


北嶋徹 TK

Toru Kitajima

Shareni Lira - Japanese 1

"During this project, I got to communicate with others will learning more about myself, and I started to remember the reason for why I want to learn Japanese."

Purpose: I choose this topic mainly because I have always been fascinated by the different types of styles that different countries have as well as the different messages that are being delivered by these songs.

Reflection: I am really proud of the fact that all the sentences were constructed by me and that they ended up being right.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Millie Hernandez-Perez - My Personal Japanese Impact Project


Comparing American Schools to Japanese Schools

Millie Hernandez - Japanese2

"My project allowed me to learn about the Japanese culture in a fun way."

Purpose: To effectively view the differences and similarities between my own culture and Japanese culture, by comparing schools.

Reflection: I am mostly proud that I got reviewed and learned many new facts while comparing Japanese schools to American schools. If I had more time I would have liked to go more into detail with the information that I found.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Karla Arciniega-Campos - My Personal Japanese Impact Project


The Story of Susanou

Karla Arciniega - Japanese1

"I began to notice and be comfortable of other religions."

Purpose: I choose this project because I was always fantasied of the Japanese myths.

Reflection: I’m able to write a Japanese story and doing acquired to use other languages beside English.

#My Japanese Impact Project

My Personal Impact Project - Google Slides.mp4


Japan and the Fight Against Covid-19

Marco Nunez - Japanese1

"My family members took the presentation very seriously at all times and now they’ll make sure they’ll wash hands EVERY time they touch something dirty."

Purpose: If I can prevent two or three people from going out, that could perhaps save dozens of people from getting it as this virus spreads very fast.

Reflection: I do feel like we should be grateful that we are not doing that bad economically.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Terra Ward - My Personal Japanese Impact Project


Japanese Endangered Animals

Terra Ward - Japanese1

"I developed cultural understanding by seeing that the endangered animals that live in Japan."

Purpose: To bring awareness to American students learning Japanese about a few Japanese animals that are endangered.

Reflection: I am most proud of giving lots of details and facts about the endangered animals but If I could do it differently I would talk about how it relates the Japanese culture more.

#My Japanese Impact Project

My Japanese Impact Project


Japanese Pop Culture

Vivian Paredes and Julian Solis - Japanese1

"The impact I’d like to make is just the learning experience about it all."

(Vivian Paredes)

Purpose: I chose this topic because I know more about it and with that information I am able to teach people more about it.

Reflection: I am most proud of all the slides and the good choice of wording it all and providing picture examples.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Impact project presentation


Impact Project

Edwin Manriquez - Japanese1

"I am proud of how much i learned on my own about the Japanese culture."

Purpose: My purpose is to share the Japanese culture such as small custom and details.

Reflection: I am more proud of me learning more about the culture and trying new things like trying to learn the language and being involved in a sport/ historical era practicing.

#My Japanese Impact Project

Jesus Perez-Garcia - My Personal Japanese Impact Project - Google Slides.webm


Japanese Music

Jesus Perez-Garcia - Japanese1

Ethan Morales - My Personal Japanese Impact Project


Deep Fried Pork

 Ethan Morales - Japanese1

Luis Mandujano - My Personal Japanese Impact Project


Japanese Games

Luis Mandujano - Japanese1


Covid-19 in Japan

Andrea Calvillo - Japanese 1