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*Note: these videos will only play for those within the Salesianum domain. Email Amanda Matarese should you have any questions. 

Navigating onCampus

Faculty : My Day onCampus 8-14.webm

Schedule & Performance

onCampus attendance.webm

Taking Attendance

adding a jug.webm

Giving a jug

adding calendar.webm

Subscribing to Calendar

Inside your classes

setting up gradebook.webm


Faculty : Bulletin Board onCampus 8-14.webm

Bulletin Board

Faculty: topics onCampus.webm


assignment center overview.webm


Importing & Sharing

import bulletin board.webm

Importing bulletin board info

importing assignments.webm

Importing assignments (for 2+ assignments) 

adding existing assignments.webm

Adding previously created assignments (used for single assignments) 

editing an assignment.webm

Editing assignments

Creating Assignments & things

creating an assignment.webm


creating assessments.webm


creating a discussion.webm


creating rubric.webm


Grading work

comment feature update.webm

Comment within the progress page... with links! HUGE update from onCampus that allows teachers to leave links within the progress page comments.  Use to reinforce or remind.  

grading inside an assignment.webm

grading assignments & online submissions


grading an assessment.webm

grading assessments

grading discussions.webm

grading discussions

grading with rubric.webm

using a rubric

spreadsheet gradebook.webm

Grading within the gradebook

This video includes an overview of bulk grading and new features for the spreadsheet gradebook. 

*Updates! Newest feature is the "commit" feature within the gradebook.  Grades are saved automatically, but they are not published and viewable automatically.  If you do not press commit, students, parents, and advisors will not see updated grades. 

Assignment center update

When you're in the assignment center (showing the variety of your classes), there will be an exclamation point next to any assignments with uncommitted grades.  *Remember that you have to commit your grades whenever you make any changes so they are published to students/parents. 

onCampus Reports

onCampus Reports