Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program in which students read pre-determined books and come together, in teams, to test their knowledge comprehension and recall of the books they have read.

Salem participates in a county wide chapter with other private and public schools. This year, 4th and 5th grade students who are interested in earning a spot on Team Salem at Battle of the Books will read 15 books (fiction and non-fiction) and then participate in a mock-battle in front of Salem faculty and friends. The mock-battle will determine the team members that represent Salem at the Battle of the Books this spring. This rigorous competition takes perseverance and love a of reading. If you are interesting in more information about this year's Battle of the Books team, speak with BOB Coach Mrs. Rumsey (5th grade).

20-21 Battle of the Books List

Email Mrs. Rumsey