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Welcome to Destiny Discover!

Destiny Discover is the name of the database that houses the list of ALL the books we have a Salem. Destiny Discover is a separate website that you can access HERE...but wait, don't leave yet! Keep reading!

Once you head over to Destiny Discover, click around and get familiar. You can log in to your own library account using your Salem Google username and password. You can search for books by genre, reading level, interest level, AR quizzes, and many more options.

If you scroll to the bottom of the home screen, you will see "Collections" that I've put together for you. "Collections" are sort of like digital bookshelves. You can also create collections and favorites to keep track of books you want to read this year.

Once, you've read a book and returned it to the library in excellent condition ;) -- log back in to Destiny Discover and give that book a star rating and review. Your feedback on books you read will help other Salem Spartans choose their next favorite book. It will also help me know what kind of new books to add to our collection.

Ok, that's a good overview of Destiny Discover. NOW click over and explore. I can't wait to see what book you choose first!

Want a guided tour? Watch this short video!

Salem Library Intro and Hold Instructions.webm