8th Grade Religion

We will have an amazing time in 8th grade Religion this year!

Our focus in Religion this year will be on the second half of Confirmation preparation, the Church post-Vatican II, and Church History. Students will follow our Catholic faith journey from the time of Jesus to today!

What do we study in 8th grade?

*Images and Models of the Church

*Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

*Scripture as related to their everyday life

*Mysteries of the Rosary and Stations of the Cross

*Charity vs. Social Justice

*Church History from Abraham, (1800BC) to Pope Francis (AD2017)

Additional Supplies

Students should use white-out tape to fix mistakes made in ink. One point is taken off for each cross-out.

Recurring Assignment

Students will do one Current Event each month. Students will do the first Current Event in class with me and will do the rest at home. Information about this recurring assignment and the due date schedule may be found on Google Classroom by September.

Faith Sharing Assignments

Faith Sharing assignments are crucial to the faith life of your child. These assignments are not hard, but they are time consuming and help students to know not only what the Catholic faith teaches, but also what they think about the faith themselves. In an effort to help students to defend their faith in life, they must articulate what they think and more importantly, why they think it. Additional benefits of Faith Sharing (FS) assignments: time management, long range planning, confidence in what they know.

A parent, sponsor or other faithful adult should work with the student on each Faith Sharing assignment. A parent must sign the assignment for the students to be considered for full points.

FS assignment due date schedule may be found on Google Classroom.


All Middle School students should have a Religion-dedicated binder for Religion class. Students should save all Religion-related papers, corrected assignments and handouts. Every scrap of paper is worth points at the end of the quarter when we have our binder check.


Students must write in blue or black ink for all assignments to be handed in. White-out tape may be used to fix ink mistakes. Students may use any color ink, pencil or colored pencil to write notes in their comp book.

Exam Requirements

All Middle School students will take both the mid-term exam and the final exam. No student may be exempt from Religion exams.

Clipart credit: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/0a/fc/87/0afc871f6766353fdaa0c40aceb2e3ed.jpg

Enjoy watching this great video which expresses our enthusiasm in Religion class this year!

This video has excellent information concerning the four major basilicas in Rome which a person would have to visit to make a Papal Pilgrimage. (Some of the music sounds a little creepy, so you may watch it with the sound off!)