4th Grade Religion

Fourth grade is a great year in Religion class!

In fourth grade we spend time discovering how God calls us to live with Him forever. We focus on God's laws in the Old and New Testament, His love for us and how we can receive Jesus in a profound way through the sacraments!

What Will We Study This Year?

*God's revelation of Himself through Jesus

*What does 'Trinity' mean?

*What is Scripture? Why is it important?

*People in the Church

*Our Families as Models of Holiness

*The Holy Spirit guides us

*Where does the pope live?

*Universal call to holiness


*God's mercy



*Ten Commandments/Jesus' Law of Love

Additional Supplies

4th grade students may use pencil in Religion class. They will need one Religion folder and one Religion-dedicated comp book. (They may use the same comp book in 5th grade) Students may use any color ink, pencil or colored pencil to write notes in their comp book. They will use map pencils, crayons or (sometimes) markers for classwork and homework. I will provide red pens for correcting assignments.

Recurring Assignment

Students will do one Saint Organizer assignment per quarter. The first of these assignments will be done in class with me and they will do the rest at home. Information about this recurring assignment and the due date schedule will be given out in September.


All 4th-5th grade students should have a Religion-dedicated folder for Religion class. Students should save all Religion-related papers, corrected assignments and handouts.


Mrs. Belcher has only one rule in class: don't talk while Mrs. Belcher is talking. Mrs. Belcher expects common courtesy and respect to be shown by everyone in class. The Golden Rule will be encouraged and modeled for a happy, holy classroom.

Image credit: https://thebetterplan.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/beatitudes-2.jpg

Here is a great song about the Beatitudes ... with motions to try!