Fundraising is an integral part of our school. Please read about the fundraising opportunties that are available.
Gift Cards Make Great Gifts!
"Scrip" is gift-giving made easy! See for more information or call Stephanie Lamore in the school office at (419)636-3592. Order forms are available in the church Gathering Space and school. Orders are accepted in the school office by 2:00 p.m. on the 5th and 20th of each month.
Online ordering is available as well and includes merchants not included on our paper form. Go to the website at and use the school enrollment code: 77C137E75428 to start ordering today!

Annual Fund
An annual fund was implemented in 2009 to be used for the benefit of the school’s operating budget. Chairpersons (usually a couple) are asked to lead the campaign. This campaign runs from October through December. Any donation is tax exempt. Please notify the school office if you are interested in chairing this event.
Reverse Raffle
This is an adult-only (over 21 years of age) reverse raffle that includes a chance to win $7000, two ribeye steak dinners, and an evening of fun for only $100 a ticket. The night also includes a silent auction, student artwork auction, themed basket raffle, 50/50 raffle, heads and tails, a second chance board, and more. This fundraising event occurs in the spring of each year. Ticket information will be available in February.
PTO Flower Sale
The PTO flower sale is the only fundraiser sponsored by the PTO. This fundraiser always starts the Wednesday before Mother's Day, so you are covered for that perfect gift for Mom! The PTO flower sale takes place at the Bryan CVS parking lot. Volunteer sign up will be sent home in April.