Supporting Tools

Below are apps and websites that will help you become and stay organised in your study and life in general. When it comes to note taking and calendar apps, I'd always advise you to first look at the tools that are already included in your Saint Eunan's GSuite account as you can access them with a single sign on. Most tools below are free or have free versions so they are all worth exploring.

Pomodoro Timer

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

There are countless free tools to help you implement/manage the Pomodoro technique - one such tool is the web timer

Google KEEP NOte taking

Google Keep can be accessed at and an accompanying app is also available on iOS and Android. It's free with your Saint Eunan's email account and is great for taking quick notes or creating checklists. It is easy to colour code and tag notes for easy reference. It's great even as a To Do tool!

Google calendar + tasks

Learn to use your Google Calendar (included with your Saint Eunan's account) and it's Task features to organise your week - include your extracurricular activities, study windows, work plans, etc. All your Google Classroom assignments are automatically included in your calendar by default - another great reason to use one!

anki - flashcards

Create your own flashcards on the web or with the accompanying apps (free on Android, paid app on iOS). Watch the video opposite to get an idea of how it can be used. This app takes a little getting used to and will suit some subjects/students and not others.

microsoft one note

OneNote is a fantastic Note Taking and organisational tool that can be used on the web or on desktop and mobile apps. It is easy to organise notebooks by subject and sub topic. Also supports digital pen note taking.


A more advanced tool with a steeper learning curve, recommended for students who are looking to get super organised. Watch the video to see how this powerful tool can be used. Web, iOS and Android versions.


A modern implementation of the Pomodoro technique. Plant a forest, improve your productivity!