I've split this section into two main areas. The first deal with how to motivate yourself and minimise procrastination, the second deals with actual study techniques - how to take notes, how to learn off material and more advanced techniques. Start small and build your skill set as you progress through your education. There is no limit to improving your study ability and these skills will benefit you well beyond your school days.

Who wants to study?

Zero Motivation

This will be the one challenge that you all experience in your school life, for a lot of people it will be a daily challenge. Develop strategies to deal with it and you will benefit greatly for the rest of your study and work life!


With more distractions than ever before vying for our attention, it's vital to develop skills to deal with and minimise procrastination.

MUsic? Headphones?

Many experts in motivation and study techniques recommend that if you need to listen to music whilst you study that you listen to music with NO lyrics. Lyrics interfere with your language processing skills even if you're not fully conscious of it. Instead people highly recommend listing to "LoFi" playlists of which there are thousands with a quick YouTube/Spotify search. These are typically more relaxing songs that free up the processing power of your brain.

Activating memory

Taking Notes & Studying Techniques

note taking from books

scientifically proven study techniques


learning new content

How to remember More