Grade 2

Week of 3/23/20: New Lesson : La Ropa / Clothing in Spanish

Please have students watch the video below and use the new vocabulary terms to have the kids draw a picture of themselves dressed in their favorite outfit. Please have the children label their clothing items in Spanish. Be creative nd have fun! Feel free to email your drawings @ if you'd like to share them. Thanks!!!

New vocabulary terms:

  1. vestido - dress

  2. pantalones cortos - shorts

  3. calcetines - socks

  4. cinturon - belt

  5. botas - boots

  6. falda - skirt

  7. pantalones - pants

  8. zapatos - shoes

  9. chaqueta - jacket

  10. camisa - shirt

  11. sombrero - hat

Week of 3/30/20: This week in Spanish we will be larning about foods in Spanish. Please watch the video to learn about new vocabulary terms. Then, enjoy making and eating your favorite meal with your family. Enjoy!!!

Week of 4/6/20: This week during Holy Week, I will not be posting a new written assignment. I have attached a link of some Easter vocabulary for the kids. Enjoy watching together. May God bless and keep all of you safe this Easter season. Enjoy the time with your family!

Week of 4/20/20: This week we will talk about La Cara/ The Face/ Head.

Parts of the face in Spanish are:

pelo - hair

ojos - eyes

nriz - nose

orejas - ears

dientes - teeth

cara - face

boca - mouth

Go over vocabulary with kids. Then, ask the kids these riddles and see if they can tell you the parts of the face Spanish / English.

  1. There are two of me. Sometimes I need glasses. What am I?

  2. I like to be washed and combed. What am I?

  3. I help hold up glasses. When I feel an itch, I sneeze. What am I?

  4. Everyone's looks a little different different, in spite of the shape. What am I?

  5. Open wide is often said when I am too small. What am I?

  6. Does your mom always tell you to wash behind us? What are we?

Week of 3/27/20: This week you will watch a Spanish video. I will ask you to watch the video while someone reads the story to you in English. This is a story about an elephnt named, Rosa. She lives in the zoo, but she is lonely and wants to find new friends. I think it is a great story and a great message in today's virtual learning world. We all need to be around others and have the love and support of each other. Your assignment after listening to the story if to give someone in your family a big hug! I miss All of you!

Week of 5/6/2020: This week we are going to learn about La Familia / The Family. Here are the members of your family in Spanish:

la familia - family el hermano / la hermana - brother / sister

el padre - father el tio / la tia - uncle / aunt

la madre - mother el abuelo / la abuela - grandfather / grandmother

el hijo/ la hija - son / daughter

los primos - cousins

Then, draw a picture or your family and label it in Spanish. Feel free to send me pictures of your drawing!

Week of 5/11/20: Arco Iris/ Rainbow. Please listen to the song in the link below. It is one of my favorite songs! It is about a rainbow. This year we learned about the colors in Spanish. Go outside and draw your own rainbow/ arco iris. Use los colores: rojo, azul, verde, morado, rosado, anaranjado, amarillo, cafe. Please share photos or your rainbows. They shine bright just like each and every one of you! I miss all of you!!!!

Week of 5/18/20: This week we will begin to review some of the lessons we covered this year. This is a fun way to review number counting. Have fun!

Week of 6/1/20: Gracias por un ano fantastico/ Thanks for a great year! I hope your family has a fun and relaxing summmer!