Standards of Behavior

Standards of Behavior

In order to have the best learning and social environment in our classroom we will:

*Show respect to others by being kind in action and words

*Show respect to property by taking care of our classroom

*We demonstrate cooperative behavior and help our classmates

*We demonstrate good manners

Positive Reinforcement

Praise, happy notes and phone calls home, special class activities and privileges. The fulfillment of these standards will earn us class points towards classroom celebrations. We will vote on these.


1. Second verbal warning (green)

2. 5 minutes away from the group (yellow)

3. 10 minutes away from the group (Think Sheet) (red)

4. 10 minute time out at recess AND parents called (orange)

5. Principal intervention (blue)

I have read the classroom Standards of Behavior and discussed them with my child.

Parent signature_________________________________________________________________________

Student signature________________________________________________________________________