The Monticello Area Education Foundation is committed to benefiting students by supporting, enriching, and enhancing educational opportunities; and strengthening community involvement in the Monticello CUSD #25, by supporting educational initiatives for which other funding is not readily available. 

2023-2024 MAEF Board of Directors                                                                 

Kevin Steffes (President)

Rory Wright (President-Elect)

Kelly Bennett(Treasurer) 

Angie Welter (Secretary)

Sharon Rawdin (Past-President)

Anne Dill                                                  

Jennifer Sturner 

Tanya Wood

Trent Moore

Cindi Quick

Shannon Doyle

Carissa Benner

Danika Frye

Ellen Gregg

Adam Clapp (ex-officio)

Contact MAEF

P.O. Box 473

Monticello, IL  61856 

Our programs would not be possible without our generous donors!  Ways you can donate include:

P.O. Box 473

Monticello, IL  61856

Thank you for your donations!