Homestead High School Newsletter

 September 2024 Edition

Welcome, Spartans to Homestead's monthly newsletter site!

Hello, Homestead Students and Families!

Starting in 2022-23, Homestead moved the monthly newsletter from a PDF format to a more interactive experience via webpage! Click the tabs above to find specific updates and information. 

Many students last year are familiar with the Wall of Distinction. The Wall of Distinction is a fun way to share your accomplishments and support your peers. There is a physical display in the zig-zag corner of the math hallway and a header titled "Wall of Distinction" on this site. These achievements can be inside or outside of school. If you want to to be featured, fill out this Google Survey!


Sept. 2 - Labor Day, NO SCHOOL

Sept. 5 - Yearbook picture retake day

Sept. 6 - Wayne vs Homestead Football (Homecoming)

Sept. 6 -- Red for Riley (fundraiser for Riley Children's Hospital at football game)

Week of Sept. 9 - Severe weather drill

Sept. 11 - Schoolwide Zoom with Ruta Sepetys

Sept. 14 -- Riley Fun Color Run

Sept. 19 - Read Under the Lights 

Sept. 30-Oct. 4 - Senior Yearbook Pictures

Blue and Gold Fridays!

Make sure to wear your blue and gold clothing or school spirit wear every Friday!

Click HERE  For the HHS Student Handbook!