School Updates

What's New at homestead?

Read information about all things related to the Homestead facility in this "School Updates" tab. We will provide construction updates as well as general information about our building.  

Construction Updates

This past month, the visual arts classes and a few math classes moved into the new classrooms at the front of the building closer to Aboite Center Road. The new spaces are amazing. The video linked below shows the amazing progress being made to the building.  

Thank you, custodians!

Monday, October 2nd is Janitor Appreciation Day! Our custodians play an integral part in keeping our transforming school up and running each day. From moving furniture to new classrooms to fixing leaks in the main hallways, their hard work here at Homestead does not go unnoticed. We take pride in the cleanliness of our school and these custodians are responsible for the upkeep of our entire building which is a large task. These individuals show up each day, putting their best effort into their work, ensuring our students have a safe, clean learning environment. 

Thank you!

 Environmental Club Debit card

The Environmental Center (EC) is an amazing piece of SACS land utilized by many of our Science teachers here at Homestead. Students in the Environmental Science classes, clubs, or anyone willing to walk the distance can use the EC to fully absorb nature and what it has to offer. People can also rent out the cabin for activities.  SACS is able to maintain the upkeep of the Environmental Center thanks to several dedicated teachers and financial donations.  Sadly, it can be expensive to mulch the trails and keep the log cabin in fully functioning order. If you are interested in helping SACS keep this learning goldmine that no other district offers within the state of Indiana, consider getting the Homestead Debit Card from Midwest America. Every time this card is swiped, a small donation is made that goes directly toward the upkeep of this treasured piece of land. This is a great way to support the EC, but also students and Homestead as a whole. Feel free to email Ms. Merkling at for more questions!