Homestead High School September Newsletter


September 8th: Student Photo Retake

September 8th: Deadline to submit updated immunization records to school nurse at

September 9th: Spartan Football @7pm (Reminder: Middle School students must be accompanied by an adult.)

September 14th: Ivy Tech Knowledge Assessment Deadline

September 19-23: Homecoming Week

September 19th: Ivy Tech Dual Enroll Deadline

September 20th: FLEX DAY - Students stay home and complete eLearning assignments posted in Canvas. Teachers available to answer emails or Canvas messages from noon until 2:35 p.m.

September 21st: Survival of the Spartans 6 - 8 p.m. in the field just east of the Football Stadium

September 23rd: Homecoming Game v. North Side @7pm

Welcome, Spartans to Homestead's monthly newsletter site!

Hello, Homestead Students and Families!

For the 2022-23 school year, Homestead is moving the monthly newsletter from a PDF format to a more interactive experience via webpage! Click the tabs above to find specific updates and information.

For feedback or questions, please contact

Click here for a construction update from Mrs. Summers


Homestead General: @SpartansHHS

Athletics: @Sparty Tweets

Senior Experience: @SeniorExpHHS

Student Government: @HHS_stugov

Student Ambassadors: @HHS_Ambassador

Student Section: @GoHHSSPartans