Catholic Scientist Assignment


Note the due date on Google Classroom. You have plenty of time - do not rush. 

A list of possible scientists is shown below. You may choose someone not on this list provided your teacher approves - you must request by email. There are links to several other lists at the bottom of the list.

Ensure you can find enough information before committing yourself to one person.

There will be some notes about dot-jots and research technique added at the bottom of this page (this may take some time - PK is busy).

Br. Guy Consolmagno - head of the Vatican Observatory. He has visited NZ and there are some radio New Zealand interviews with him here (using audio as one of your sources could be a good way to show you are integrating different sources in your research

Fr. Georges Lemaître - proposed what is now called the "Big Bang Theory"

Sister Mary Kenneth Keller - pioneering computer scientist

Fr. Pierre Tielhard de Chardin - Jesuit geologist and paleontologist who used his understanding of human evolution to propose some fairly radical (and controversial) ideas about the relationship between humans, God and the universe.

Gregor Mendel - discovered some of the fundamental laws of genetics

Blessed Nicolas Steno - Dutch bishop who proposed some of the founding principles of modern geology

Gerty Cori - biochemist, who (along with her husband) won the 1947 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine

Fr. Julian Tenison-Woods - Australian geologist and priest

John Eccles - Australian neurophysiologist and Nobel Laureate

You may do any of the above. If you choose someone not on the list above you will need your teacher's permission.

Further resources:

Assignment sheet

Dot jot sheet

Some sub-questions to help you research:

Marking grid below. To reach a grade, all the boxes in that column need to be ticked off by the marker.

Other Catholic Scientists

Nicolaus Copernicus 

Alessandro Volta

Robert Grosseteste

Ányos Jedlik

Nicholas of Cusa

Blaise Pascal

Thomas Streit

Georgius Agricola

Charles-Augustin de Coulomb

Andre-Marie Ampere

Website link to Franciscan University with more examples here

Wikipedia list of Catholic bishops, priests, brothers and nuns who were scientists.

Wikipedia list of Catholic lay scientists