Dynamic Earth

Specific Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should be able to:

  • desribe the layering of the planet Earth range: core, mantle, crust

  • recognise areas of volcanism and tectonic activity on the Earth in relation to major continents and oceans range: Pacific Ring of Fire, mid-Atlantic ridge

  • recognise that this pattern arises because the Earth's upper layers are broken up into a number of large 'tectonic plates' consisting of areas of ocean and continent

  • understnand that volcanoes and earthquakes usually occur at the boundaries between plates (with exceptions, such as Auckland and Hawaii)

  • relate the volcanism in the line from Mt Ruapehu through White Island to Tonga arises from the Pacific Plate sinking under the Indo-Australian plate

  • be aware that not all volcanoes or earthquakes happen on plate boundaries

  • be able to locate the Alpine Fault on a map of New Zealand and show how matching rocks were able to provide evidence for hundreds of kilometres of movement on that fault

  • understand that many earthquakes are caused by movement along fault lines

Structure of the Earth

The distance from your feet to the centre of the Earth is about 6370 km, If you were to fly in a jet from Auckland to a city 6300 km away it would take you about 8 hours.

The outer 35 km or so of the Earth is made of the same sort of rocks you find at surface. We call this type of rock the crust. It sits on the outside of the Earth like the crust on a loaf of bread. However, if it was the thickness of a normal bread crust (about 3 mm) the loaf of bread would need to be 12 metres across for it to be the right size in scale!

Under the crust is a much denser layer called the mantle. It is still solid. It is mostly made of a dense, greenish rock called peridotite and we occasionally see bits of the brought to the surface (for instance, at Dun Mountain just outside Nelson). The picture to the right is a piece of peridotite, also called dunite- one of the rock types named after a place in New Zealand. You can see a piece of dunite from Mt Dun in the rock cabinet in PK's classroom.

The mantle can move slowly in a type of motion called plastic flow. There are convection currents in the mantle which we will look at later.

Below the mantle is the core. The outer part of the core is known to be liquid and the inner part solid, though they are made of similar substances, thought to be mostly the metal iron with nickel and various sulfur and oxygen compounds. Although nobody has ever directly seen these very deep layers, we know they are there because of the way that earthquake waves bounce around inside the earth. This is an example of an inference.

Mantle convection and Plate Tectonics

The mantle is solid, but it can move slowly like hot tar on the road. This is called plastic flow.

In places where the mantle is hot, it rises. In places where it is cold it sinks.

The top of the rising mantle partly melts to make new ocean floor at a Mid Ocean Ridge:

This new ocean floor then spreads sideways, carried by the convection currents, until it comes to a place where the mantle is sinking. The ocean crust is then carried down again in a process called subduction.

A subduction zone is usually marked by a trench in the ocean floor.

The crust that is carried down again causes some of the plate boundary to melt. This makes a line of volcanoes. The volcanic line between Mt Ruapehu and Tonga is such a line, and is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

The material from the volcanoes builds up over time. It makes a different type of crust, called continental crust. This is lighter than ocean crust, and can't be subducted. Instead, it gets eroded and deposited and otherwise mover about by processes on the surface.

Where two areas of continent are pushed together, you get mountains pushed up. An example of this is found in the north-east of the South Island. This type of plate movement usually produces a 'rumpled' landscape of parallel mountain ranges and valleys.

Tectonic Plates

Continents cannot sink into the mantle because the rock they are made of is too light. Instead, they get carried along the surface of the Earth by the mantle currents. As a result, the continents 'drift' around over very long periods of time

The mantle convection currents therefore cause the Earth's surface to be broken into large areas sliding along between the ridges and the trenches. These are called tectonic plates. 'The plates act like 'rafts' floating on the mantle and they are more-or-less rigid.

New Zealand lies on the boundary between two of these plates: the Pacific Plate and the Australian Plate. This has shaped much of the geology of New Zealand and we will look at it in more detail later. The edges of the Pacific Ocean are surrounded by the boundary of the Pacific Plate (and Nazca Plate in South America) and are a zone of volcanoes known as the "Ring of Fire"

Plates in New Zealand

New Zealand lies on the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the Australian Plate:

he plate boundary in NZ is unusually complicated. In the North Island, the Pacific Plate is subducted beneath the Australian Plate:

The process of subduction causes volcanoes and deep earthquakes.

Volcanoes happen where magma (melted rock) reaches the surface and is erupted..

Rock can melt for several reasons:

  • chemical melting: the chemical that causes melting is usually water. This is the melting that produces plate boundary volcanoes. When ocean floor gets subducted, the water that is chemically combined with ocean floor rocks gets released when it gets down to a depth of 120 km or so. This water then melts the mantle rock above it and produces cone volcanoes such as Mt Ruapehu and White Island.

  • heat melting: this happens when extra hot rock from deep in the mantle rises to higher in the mantle and melts it (a "mantle plume"). The volcanoes of Hawaii and Iceland are this sort of volcano. These volcanoes are usually made of very runny basalt lava.

  • pull-apart (decompression) melting: when the mantle gets pulled apart by convection currents or tectonic stresses, it can cause melting. This is the cause of spreading plate boundaries such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Pull-apart forces can also happen in places where plate movement is twisting the plate and causes volcanoes away from plate boundaries. The volcanoes of Auckland and some of the ones in Australia are of this sort. They are also often made of runny basalt.

  • Below is a diagram of what volcanologists think is happening under the volcanoes of the Tongariro Volcanic Centre. The thickness of the crust is exaggerated compared to the distance down to the sinking Pacific Plate.

Mount Ruapehu is a subduction volcano. The magma is formed when mantle rock deep under Ruapehu is made to melt. The mantle melts because of water from the Pacific Plate. This water is held by minerals in the rock of the seafloor, but gets released by the heat and pressure when it is carried down between 100-200 km depth by subduction.

As you can see in the diagram, the 'plumbing' of a volcano can be quite complicated. Ruapehu is like many volcanoes in that more than one type of magma is erupted. Most of Ruapehu is made of andesite, but basalt has been erupted near the ski resort at Ohakune.

Ruapehu and Tongariro may have the same deep source but separate shallower sources; this is not yet clear.

Ngauruhoe is just a vent of Mt Tongariro. A vent is a place where the magma comes out.

Many volcanoes have multiple vents; only 'simple' cone volcanoes have a single vent.

Magma that is erupted becomes .lava, ejecta and ash. Ash is not burnt lava, it is lava that has been blasted into a fine powder by exploding gases and then carried up into the air by lighter than air gases. When it falls on the ground in a thick layer it is called tephra.

Ejecta is the term for rocks and stones thrown out of the vent by the force of the eruption without flowing out as a liquid. It is a big hazard in small eruptions, which usually don't produce any lava. In the photo above, the ejecta is red hot. The exposure time is probably about 15 minutes, so we see many glowing rocks making lines on the photo. The ones that roll down the hill make a light trail that looks like a lava flow but isn't.

Ruapehu erupting at night (Herald photo)

This sort of eruption is common in andesite volcanoes. If you were to view the eruption in real life it would look quite different. The erupted material is not liquid. Much of it may not be made of magma, but may be older volcanic rocks heated red hot by escaping gases.

Water vapour makes up 80% or more of the gas in a volcanic eruption. Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are the main other gases.

The water is chemically combined with the rock just like the carbon dioxide is chemically combined with the water in a bottle of fizzy drink. When the top is taken of (in an eruption), bubbles start to form.

This may cause the lava to fountain out if it is very runny. If the magma is very sticky, it is more likely to be blasted apart into a fine powder of ash.

The fine ash blasted apart by the gas is very hot. As it mixes with air, the air is rapidly heated. It expands and rises, and the rapid mixing sucks in more air and keeps the ash in the air until it cools enough for the process to stop. This is what you see when it looks like 'smoke' is rising from a volcano.

The Coke/Mentos effect is driven by gas bubbles in the same way as a volcanic eruption

Lava is a flow of liquid molten rock. The runnier the lava, the less steep the volcano that is formed. Lava can only form when most of the gas has escaped from the magma. The stickier the volcanic rock, the harder it is for the gas to escape. This means that lave flows are most often found in very runny magma, but can also be formed from stickier magma after it has lost most of its gas. Very sticky lava makes steep, dome shaped volcanoes.

Rangitoto is made of runny lava that forms a low, flat shield shape

Maunganamu is made of sticky, low -gas lava that piles up into a steep dome shape

Below is a diagram showing how different sorts of volcano are formed depending on the stickiness and gas content of the volcano.

Calderas are depressions that form in the earth after a large amount of magma has been erupted.

This video tells you how the Rotorua Caldera was formed


Earthquakes are any shaking of the ground over a wide area, something scientists cause seismic shaking. Although you can feel ground shakes when they are big enough, there are smaller vibrations in the ground which our senses cannot detect. Your senses would also be unable to detect the difference between shaking caused by something small happening nearby (for example, a bulldozer doing earthworks a couple of streets away) and a much larger but more distant event. Both of these might feel quite similar in Auckland.

Scientists use machines called seismometers to detect earthquakes. The output of a seismometer is called a seismograph. A seismometer consists of a heavy mass held on the end of a spring. When the ground moves, the suspended mass stays in the same place because of inertia - the spring will stretch but doesn't exert enough force to make the mass move. A detector, such as a paper drum, is used to measure the difference between the ground position and the position of the suspended mass:

The first seismometers where purely mechanical, and drew the output onto a piece of paper rolled around the drum (sometimes run by clockwork). As the drum rotated (usually twice per hour), it would move down so as to create a continuous spiral around the drum representing 24 hours of signal. When the piece of paper was taken off, it was a 'seismograph' . It had 48 lines on it, each representing half an hour.

Modern seismometers use digital detectors and record all their data into computer storage. However, the output is still converted into a picture of what a 'drum seismograph' would look like:

You can see on the image above a large quake on the third line from the bottom. The start of this line is one hour before the time stamp (2.15 pm) so that quake was detected at 1.13 pm. The actual quake happened at 1.06 pm in the Kermadec Islands - 2500 km from this seismic station; the time difference is the time it took the earthquake vibrations to reach Birch Farm from the Kermadecs travelling at about 6 km per second.

Earthquake scales

As mentioned above, a small local earthquake can feel similar to a larger more distant one. For example: on the seismograph above, the other quake showing 'off the scale' shaking (about 6 hours 57 minutes before timestamp) had a similar level of local shaking to the Kermadecs one as felt at Birch Farm. However, it was a very local quake, only about 20 km from the seismic station at Waipukurau.

To allow for this, we use two scales to describe earthquakes. The Richter Scale is based on the earthquake's energy. Each number of the Richter Scale is nearly 32 times more energy than the number below it. On the Richter Scale, the Kermadec quake on the seismograph above was 6.1, and the Waipukurau one 2.1

The difference of four on this scale means that the Kermadec quake released about a million times as much energy as the Waipukurau one. It was therefore felt over a much wider area. Although this scale is 'open ended', rocks can only store a limited amount of energy so there is limit of about 9.5 for tectonic earthquakes. Meteorite impacts could cause quakes of over 10.

Note: strictly speaking, modern earthquake magnitudes are given in the moment magnitude scale This scale works in a similar way to the Richter scale but extends to earthquakes too small and too large for the original scale. Magnitude numbers for earthquakes are usually reported as 'Richter Scale' outside the scientific press.

The other scale in common use measures the effects of a quake in a particular place. It is called the Modified Mercalli, or MM scale. Strictly speaking, MM numbers should always use a Roman numeal (e.g. MMVI) to distinguish them from the Richter/magnitude scale.

The intensity of an earthquake on the MM scale will vary with distance from the origin of the quake. The image on the right shows MM intensities in the Marlborough area for the November 2016 Kaikoura quake.

The Kaikoura 2016 quake did not produce as high a value on the MM scale as some people would expect from such a big (magnitude 7.8) quake. However, the energy of this earthquake was spread out in both space and time which reduced the maximum MM scale effect (but increased the distance over which the shaking was felt).

What causes earthquakes?

The surface layers of the Earth are in constant but very slow motion due to plate tectonics. This means that areas of land can move together, apart or sideways. As the land moves, the rocks bend, and as the rocks bend they store up a good deal of energy in the form of strain energy,

Rocks are not very bendy. In a similar way to a bent wooden ruler, they will eventually snap. The sudden release of energy during the 'snap' is what causes the earthquake. This is called elastic rebound.

The sequence above shows the case for a sideways (or 'strike-slip) movement fault. The Alpine Fault is such a fault. Most faults are a combination of sideways and up-and-down movement.

If the movement across the fault is vertical it often leaves a trace called a scarp, visible in the photo above. Scarps generally erode away after time, and the ponded stream will turn into a bog. A geologist, however, can learn to recognise these signs in the landscape and uses such information as part of earthquake hazard assessment.

Faults which show signs of recent movement are termed active. Faults which seem not to have moved for tens of thousands or more years are termed inactive. Active faults are more common near plate boundaries, but also occur far away from plate boundaries.

Locating an earthquake

A seismograph can tell you how far away an earthquake is. This is because there are two types of waves, P (primary) and S (secondary) waves. Primary waves travel about 2.5 km/s faster than secondary waves. This means that for every 10 km away the waves get another four seconds further apart.

In the snapshot above, the P and S wave traces are 40 seconds apart. This means that the earthquake was 40 x 2.5 = 100 km away.

That means you could draw a circle 100 km radius around the seismic station; the quake was somewhere on the circumference of the circle. If you repeat the process for two other seismic stations, you get three circles which will overlap at a point. The map below shows an example based on three stations at Waitara (green cross), Waipukurau (red) and Lower Hutt (blue). The circles intersect just off the coast of Whanganui. They intersect at a point, indicating this is a shallow quake.

The point they overlap is called the epicentre of the quake. In practice, the three circles more usually overlap in a triangle. This is because most earthquakes actually happen some distance underground. The size of the triangle where the three circles overlap tells you the depth to the focus. The focus is the place from which the earthquake waves originate.

Earthquakes with a very deep focus may not be felt at the surface.

A peculiar feature of subduction in the North Island is that some deep earthquakes are felt more strongly some distance from the epicentre, such the example below:

This is a nice illustration of plate tectonics in action. Rotorua, near the epicentre, is on the Australian Plate. The Pacific plate is subducting and is about 200 km underneath Rotorua. The quake was therefore on the Pacific Plate.

The vibrations of the quake were transmitted along the Pacific plate and were most strongly felt in Gisborne and Hawkes Bay, close to where the Pacific Plate comes to the surface. It was weakly felt in the eastern Bay of Plenty; this has to do with the nature of the rocks in that area.