Dynamic Earth Assignment

In this assignment you will formulate a question about earthquakes or volcanoes in New Zealand.

You will gather information to answer those questions from sources such as the internet, your teacher, people you ask or your own field work, books, magazines and other material.

You will choose one answered question to present to the class.

You will do your assignment as a Google Slide presentation.


Ideas for questions could include;

-          What causes earthquakes?

-          What is the difference between the different types of volcanoes? (active, dormant or extinct)

-          What causes different shapes of volcanoes? (cone, shield, etc.)

-          How are earthquakes measured?

-          What significant earthquakes have occurred in New Zealand? (where, when, how big, casualties)

-          What volcanoes are active in New Zealand?

-          What are the most significant volcanic eruptions in New Zealand’s history?

-          What is the chance of another volcanic eruption happening in Auckland over our lifetime?

-          How should we prepare for a major earthquake or volcano and what should we do if one occurs?


Due dates will be given by your teacher.

The presentation will be marked on the scheme below: