First Grade

Week 12 Assignment (6/15 - 6/19)

Hi First Graders!

We are almost to the end of the school year! This week I want to talk about summer reading. It's very important to keep working on your reading skills and continue to read as much as you can. Hopefully the public libraries will open soon. In the meantime use the helpful links on my site to find free ebooks.

This week's assignment is really for the whole summer. I would like you to create a summer reading poster. Here's how:

  1. Read as many books as you can from now until the end of the summer.
  2. Keep a record of all the titles you have read
  3. Gather the following materials: Poster paper (at least 11 x 17 this can be found at Stop and Shop, Staples, Target, Walmart, Dollar Store), and any or all of the following that you would like to use. Markers, crayons, glitter, glue stick, stickers, popsicle sticks, photos, printed pictures of books, and anything else you would like to use.
  4. Design a poster with all the titles of the books you read on the poster.
  5. Next, be creative! You can cut your poster into any shape you want. For example, a flower, soccer ball, butterfly, book, a character in your book, really anything that you like.
  6. Title the poster. For example "My Summer Reading" or anything with summer reading in it.
  7. You might like to make a theme for your poster. For example, some things you did over the summer and glue pictures of what you did. You could make a poster theme about something you really like. For example gymnastics or lacrosse or trains. Whatever you want!
  8. Please make the poster as neat and as attractive as possible as they will be displayed in the hallways.
  9. Don't forget to put your name and new teacher on the back so that I may return it to you.
  10. Do not bring the poster in on the first day of school.
  11. I will make any announcement during the first week when to bring it in.
  12. Any student who brings in a poster that is the right size and has followed the directions above, will get a prize from me.
  13. I think this is a great way to share what books you have read with others and a great incentive to keep reading!
  14. If you have any questions about the project please email me at
  15. Have fun with it and enjoy the reading and the project

Week 11 Assignment (6/8 - 6/12)

Welcome to week 11 of distance learning 1st Graders!

I hope you are all well and you are continuing to work on your reading skills and reading as much as you can!

This week we are going to take a virtual field trip to the SanDiego Zoo!

To get there click on the the elephant.

  • Try any of the menu items like videos and animals.
  • Next click on stories and scroll down till you get to the picture of the elephant like the one to the right.
  • It will say Welcome, Zuli.
  • Read all about Zuli.
  • Scroll to the end of the story and click on the link to watch Zuli live.
  • Go back to the main menu and click on activity.
  • Try the leafy animal craft (The last activity on the page).
  • Send me a pic of your project.

Week 10 Assignment (6/1 - 6/5)

Welcome to week 10 of distance learning 1st Graders!

I can't believe it's June. Summer is on it's way and I want you to think about some summer reading.

  1. Click on the book to take you to Capstone interactive books. Username - continue Password - reading
  2. Type Summer in the search bar.
  3. Find the book with the cover that looks like the one to the right and click on it.
  4. Click Play Book
  5. What are some of your favorite summer activities? Are any of them shown in this story?
  6. Share your answers with me by email

Week 9 Assignment (5/26 -5/29)

Hi First Graders!

This week we will listen to "Red Riding Hood" and the non-fiction companion book "Forests".

First, click on Red Riding Hood and read/listen to both stories.

Second, click on the link

Third, complete the activity and email to me.

Have fun!

Mrs. Cronin

Week 8 Assignment (5/18 -5/22)

Every day, read something...a story, or a chapter of a book. or a non-fiction book. Then pick an activity from the list below! You can try a different activity every day, or repeat a favorite.

Fiction (a story that is made up):

  • Think about your favorite part of the story. Then draw a picture of it.
  • Think about a problem that a character in the story is having. What advice would you give to a character in this story? Write it.
  • Think about what happened in the story. Draw pictures of what happens in the beginning, the middle, and the end.
  • Pretend you are going to talk to one of the characters in the story. What questions would you ask them?
  • If you could recommend this book to someone, who would it be? Why do you think they would like it? Write about why they should read it.
  • Pretend you are friends with one of the characters in the story. What would you do together? Draw a picture or write about it.
  • Think about how the story ended. If you could change the ending, how would you make it different? Draw a picture of what would happen or write your own ending.
  • Pick a drawing or picture from the book. Then act it out!
  • Write a review of the story you just read. Draw a happy face if you liked it or a sad face if you didn't like it. Then explain why you liked it or didn't like it.

Nonfiction (a book or article that teaches you about true things):

  • What is one new thing that you learned from what you read? Write or draw about it.
  • What is one question you would like to ask the author of the book or article? Write it.
  • Would you like to read more books or articles about this topic? Why or why not? Write about it.
  • What is something you learned from the article or book that surprised you? Write about it.
  • If you could recommend this book or article to someone, who would it be? Why do you think they would like it? Write about why they should read it.
  • Write a review of the book or article you just read. Draw a happy face if you liked it or a sad face if you didn't like it. Then explain why you liked it or didn't like it.

I would love to see any activity that you try. Email me at

Week 7 Assignment (5/11 -5/15)

Book Review

Today you will write a book review. A book review let's others know how you feel about the book.

Read a book with someone in your family then fill out the book review sheet. I will get to see your answers on Google Drive.

If you've already read all the books in your house and can't find something new this week, go to Storyline Online and have a listen to a book together.

Week 6 Assignment 5/3 - 5/8)

Welcome to week 6 of at home learning First Graders! Missing you lots!

This week is Cinco de Mayo (Tuesday May 5) so I thought you would enjoy the Book "Marco's Cinco de Mayo."

Try this fun easy to make pinata for your Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Week 5 Assignment (4/27-5/1)

Hi First Graders!

We are heading into week 5 of distance learning! Although we are apart, I still feel like we can continue to connect through books.

Watch the video above of Muncha, Muncha, Muncha by Candace Fleming

Poetry uses all kind of writing tools to make the poems sound more interesting. One of these tools is called Onomatopoeia. The author of Muncha, Muncha, Muncha uses a lot of Onomatopoeia words too! Onomatopoeia is when a word describes a sound. Some examples of Onomatopoeia are BARK, ZOOM, SPLASH, SMASH, MOO, MUNCHA, DASH, SCRATCH, DASH, etc.

As you listen to the book, listen for some of these words. Also, while you're listening, pause the video and make some predictions (what will happen next).

Next, watch the video clip on Onomatopoeia.

Draw a picture of your favorite onomatopoeia word and share it with me if you would like.

Week 4 Assignment (4/20 - 4/24)

Hi First Graders!

The weeks are flying by and I miss you more and more! Please reach out to me through email to let me know if you are enjoying the lessons or to send a picture of any of the activities you have done. My email is

This week I thought it would be fun to watch and listen to one of my favorites..."Where the Wild Things Are." I hope you enjoy it!

Big Smiles :)

Mrs. Cronin

Week 3 Assignment

Week 3 Assignment

Hi Mrs. Ryan's Class, Mrs. Mayola's Class, and Mrs. Kolonosky's Class!

This week I chose books about rain because April is a rainy month. You know...April Showers bring May flowers! I miss you all so much but while we are apart, listen and watch these great books.

Mrs. Cronin

Week 2 Assignment

Hi First Graders! I hope you are all well and staying safe. I miss you tons!

This week I have a fun book for you to listen and follow along with.

The title is Perfect by Max Amato the book is being read by a guest reader Mrs. Capozzi. Enjoy!

Click on this link for the book.

After listening: Think about what the Eraser learned in the story, share with someone in your family or send me a private comment.

Just for fun:

Have fun with the Perfect Drawing Activity Shared. If you would like to share you can take a picture and share with me by email.

Week 1 Assignment

Hi First Graders!

I chose this story for you to watch. I hope you like it. Have fun trying the challenge below!

    • Click on the arrow in the picture above to watch the story.
    • Design challenge – creating a cup castle

MATERIALS — Plastic cups Tape measure Paper, pencil

Use paper cups to build a cup castle. The castle should be as tall as possible. Brainstorm different ways you might try to build the tallest castle. Think about how you might change your design to make your castle taller. Measure the height of the castle using a tape measure. Write down how tall your tallest castle was.