Date & Time: 7th February 2023, 07:00 pm

Venue: LHC 103

Shape of Soap Films: Story of Solving an Open Problem

Sreedev M

Soap films are examples of locally area- minimizing surfaces, which have vanish- ing mean curvature. Given a closed wire frame, one can ask how many soap films are spanning it, and what's the shape of such a soap film. This problem can be approached and solved using tools of complex analysis. In this talk, we will present the story of answering this question in a slightly different environment. Along with the solutions and the experiences, We would also go through some beautiful ideas that didn't work, and also some potential ideas which we have no clue whether or not will work. This work was done with the help of lots of amazing conversations and exchanges with my wonderful advisor Rukmini Dey (ICTS Bangalore) and my lovely friend Arka Das(IISC Bangalore).

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