Lets Talk Math

'Let's Talk Math' series is an initiative which aims to present fascinating topics in mathematics by means of discussions rather than formal talks. Through this initiative, we hope to create a platform for creative mathematical ideas. The speaker will initiate the discussion by giving a brief introduction to the topic and then posing interesting questions for the audience to ponder about. The audience is strongly encouraged to think and express their ideas to add to the discussion.

Varun Shah

Date and Time - 31st March 2023 , 07:00 PM 

Venue - LHC 108

Combinatorics has come to mean a lot of things, most of which can be summarized as the study of finite structures. In this talk, we will look at problems that involve counting objects, or enumerative combinatorics. One can approach these in Read More...

Sreedev M

Date and Time - 15th November 2022, 06:30 PM

Venue - LHC 108

We start by talking about how geometry appears in mathematics and how it is interconnected to other branches such as algebra, number theory, and analysis. This will give a bird's eye view into the world of math with wonderful pictures. Then the floor is open to everyone and Read More...