
Student talks are given by 4th and 5th-year students who are passionate about mathematics. They present a topic of their interest which engages other Math enthusiasts. These talks are aimed at exposing students to all kinds of interesting mathematical notions which may not be discussed during courses.

'Let's Talk Math' series is an initiative which aims to present fascinating topics in mathematics by means of discussions rather than formal talks. Through this initiative, we hope to create a platform for creative mathematical ideas. The speaker will initiate the discussion by giving a brief introduction to the topic and then posing interesting questions for the audience to ponder about. The audience is strongly encouraged to think and express their ideas to add to the discussion.

How is it to do an MS thesis?’, ‘What does writing a paper feel like?’, ‘What are the topics and exciting areas of research out there?’ These questions are always there in the minds of BS-MS students. This will be a series of talks intended to give the general audience an appreciation for the work carried out during the MS thesis. 5th-year Mathematics BS-MS students who are going to present their MS thesis work this year are going to deliver these talks.

On the occassion of π day, Maths Club organizes talks by professors for IISER Pune and other universities about various topics.

Professors give talks about various talking giving exposure to fields, any new research going on.