Date & Time: 4th February 2023, 11:00am

Venue: LHC 108

Triangulated Cateogires

Dr. Vivek Mohan Mallick, IISER Pune

We are happy to announce a talk in collaboration with the Grothendieck School of Thoughts.The Grothendieck School of Thoughts is a modern instructional school in India which organizes hybrid mode lecture series. There is an ongoing series on the theory of Motives in Algebraic Geometry in Grothendieck School of Thoughts in which Dr. Vivek Mohan Mallick from our institute delivered a talk.

Abstract: We shall define triangulated categories and sketch proof that both the homotopy category of complexes and the derived category of an abelian category are triangulated. We shall study some properties of triangulated categories and, if time permits, study a few more examples. 


YouTube Video