Visual Impairment

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

This page will be for communicating different ideas for you to do at home to help retain the skills we have been working so hard on during the year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Amanda Bryant, CTVI


TSBVI Coffee Hour is back!

Sessions will be held each Monday at 3 and Thursday at noon and are available virtually. Check out the 2021 Schedule!

If you are interested in registering your child with the Blind Children's Program through the HHS, email the Blind Children’s Program at or call the HHS Office of the Ombudsman at 877-787-8999.

The program offers services tailored to each child and family's needs and circumstances. BCVDDP can:

  • Help children develop the confidence and competence needed to be an active part of their community

  • Provide support and training to parents and caretakers so they understand their rights and responsibilities throughout the educational process

  • Assist children and their families in the vocational discovery and development process

  • Provide training to increase children independence and ability to participate in vocational related activities

  • Provide information about additional resources

Click the above title for more information or download the handouts below.

18D0071_Blind_Childrens_rights_and responsibilities_NEW_Design_2CX.pdf

Your Rights and Responsibilities

19D0346 HHS BCP Rights and Respon broch - Span.pdf

Your Rights and Responsibilities


19D0433 HHS BCVDDP trifold final.pdf

About the Program

19D0434 HHS BCVDDP trifold_Span.pdf

About the Program
