
Reading Resources

One of the most important things you can do every day is read. Reading "just right" books is the best way to create life long readers. If you don't have a variety of books at home there are many options online. See below for some ideas.

Book Collages by Div. 17

Book Collages by Div. 17

This year we have learned a lot about creating things using Google slides. Students created a visual collage about a book they would recommend. They used many of the skills we've learned such as creating text boxes, filling boxes with colour, adding backgrounds, adding images, layering, cropping, changing colours and fonts...and more1

Read Aloud: Kensuke's Kingdom

Our class read aloud book is Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Murpurgo. It's a story about a boy Michael, who is sailing around the world with his mom, dad, and dog. One night, Michael and his dog Stella fall overboard and Michael wakes up on an island with no one else in sight ...until he realizes he's not alone. Please ask your child about this book, what's happening, their predictions for an ending, and what they think!

Book Chats

As you know, an important part of our class is literacy. One of the ways to encourage reading and interest in books is through book chats. Students present a book chat to the class by signing up on our waitlist. Every Wednesday, we share books we love with each other. It's a great way to use book vocabulary (genres, reading levels, formats, characters, plot, etc.), learn about books, ask questions, and find connections. 

Check out these photos from some of our peer book chat recommendations!

We Love to Read!

In Div. 17 we read every day! On Mondays students can choose to read to a partner or independently, and Tuesday - Friday we read independently or with an adult. Students can choose to read in a comfortable spot (which is a good fit) anywhere around the classroom or even outside when the weather is nice.

We are learning about different book genres and reading formats. Students are working on reading stamina and expanding their book interests. 

Check out some photos from our reading times!

The Reading Link Challenge

Every year the Vancouver Island Public Library hosts a Reading Link Challenge. It's purpose is to: 

Interested students will be put into teams and share the books. Team members read as many books as they can and work to remember as many details as possible. All teams participate in one or more levels of Challenge. Winning teams compete against other schools in our district!

Students can listen to audiobooks HERE

 Click HERE to check out! more information on the RLC Website

Global Read Aloud: 2022

Our global read aloud this year is the book Thirst, by Varsha Bajaj. Check out this book chat by Colby Sharp if you'd like to learn more about this book!

Class Read Aloud

Pax by Sara Pennypacker, Illustrated by Jon Klassen

Our first read aloud novel this year was the book Pax, by Sara Pennypacker. It's a story of a boy Peter and a fox Pax who are separated. The story chapters alternate between Peter and Pax's perspectives. The characters go through a lot trying to reunite and as the story progresses, they find things they didn't know they were missing. 

As a class, we all gathered on the carpet to read the last few chapters, and although the bell had rung for lunch, the students begged to finish the last few pages! Everyone was on the edge of their seats. We finished the book together and it was an emotional ending. Please chat with your child about this book and ask them what they think!

Pax (2): Journey Home 

by Sara Pennypacker

Colby Sharp is a fifth grade teacher who lives in the US. Click on the link to watch a book chat about Pax: Journey Home by Sara Pennypacker. If you've read the first book, Pax, you'll want to check out the second book too!

200 Days of Reading Letter Home.pdf

Days/Nights of Reading Parent Letter

200 Days of Reading 50 Days.pdf

1-50 Days Sheet

200 Days of Reading 100.pdf

51-100 Days Sheet

200 Days of Reading 150.pdf

101-150 Days Sheet

200 Days of Reading 200.pdf

151-200 Days of Reading Sheet


Free Epic School: Students use during school, 7am-4pm local time, M-F

During school hours, students can log in to Epic School from school or home with their Class Code npr2786, and read between 7am-4pm. Teachers can access Epic School at any time.

Epic Free: Students use after school, after 4pm local time, M-F and weekends

After 4pm local time, students can access a selection of books on Epic Free for up to 2 hours/week, after parents sign up with an email address. After that, students can simply log in to Epic using their class code to access both Epic School and Epic Free. Their reading experience will switch seamlessly between the two experiences, depending on the time of day!

Scholastic Book Orders

An all ages Scholastic book flier will go home with students on a monthly basis. Parents are under no obligation to buy anything, but the books are reasonably priced.  With any purchase, our class will collect 20-40% in points we can use towards buying more classroom books. If you'd like to check out the latest flier, visit You can return the flier with payment or buy online using our classroom code RC2333045. There is free shipping for orders over $30. 

You can share the scholastic classroom code with family members who may wish to purchase books as well--please don't feel obligated to order. Students are also encouraged to give me suggestions for books to purchase for our class library.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Fiction Genres Book Rooms

Fiction Book Genres

Click on the picture to open my google slides presentation showing different book genres. Read something you like and let me know what's your favourite fiction book genre!

Nonfiction Genres

Non Fiction Book Genres

Click on the picture to open my google slides presentation showing non fiction book genres. Read something you like and let me know your favourite!

Book Chat Room: Recommended by Colby Sharp

Colby Sharp 

Book Chats

Colby Sharp is a grade five teacher who LOVES books! He is the inspiration for our weekly book chats at school because hearing other people talk about books inspires others to read them too. Check out the link to hear some of his book chats or learn about books his students are reading. Maybe you will learn of a great book you can add to your reading wish list!

Judy Blume Book Room

Judy Blume Book Room

Maybe you've heard book chats in our classroom or recommendations about Judy Blume books. Now you can read them yourself!

Book Room: Some of our Favourite Novels

Book Room: Some Recommended Novels

The Magic Treehouse 1-55

The Magic Tree House Read Aloud Books 1-55

click HERE or on the picture to check out the Magic Tree House books. In the slide deck there are books 1-55 read aloud. You will see an image from the book while you listen to the story being read to you. Enjoy!


Free Epic School: Students use during school, 7am-4pm local time, M-F

During school hours, students can log in to Epic School from school or home with their Class Code npr2786, and read between 7am-4pm. Teachers can access Epic School at any time.

Epic Free: Students use after school, after 4pm local time, M-F and weekends

After 4pm local time, students can access a selection of books on Epic Free for up to 2 hours/week, after parents sign up with an email address. After that, students can simply log in to Epic using their class code to access both Epic School and Epic Free. Their reading experience will switch seamlessly between the two experiences, depending on the time of day!

Phonics & Stuff Website

This free website has many activities. You can click on the images below to visit the website HERE!

Student Copy of Winterbreak Homework 2022-2023

"Bee" A Reader over Winter Break

This is a copy of the sheet which was sent home with students. The goal is to encourage students to continue reading over Winter Break, then share a book with the class when we come back to school in January. Our class is very familiar with book chats because we do them every week and we have a huge resource of student book recommendations in our class.

Book in a Box & Book Chat 2023

Book in a Box Project

Please see the form which went home with students this week. It describes the book in a box home project and sharing activity. When students have completed their presentations at the end of February, the projects will be on display in the library so the rest of the school can enjoy them and learn about these books!

LSC Final Project Explore 2023

LSC Final Project

This is a copy of the notice which went home with students. It includes a description of the assignment with a list of the content students need to include in their presentation.