Occupational Therapy Activities for the week of May 18, 2020

FREESET2WritingpromptswpictureswordbankABCmodeldistancelearning (dragged).pdf

Color and Write

Color the picture. Make sure you stay inside the lines and fill in all of the white spots. Then, use the word bank to help you write a story about what is happening in the picture. Don't forget to practice your tall and short letters and law breakers. Make sure you start wrtiting at the beginning of each line so that you do not run out of space.

Can you follow the code?

Use the key code at the top of the page to write the correct symbol inside each shape.

Brain Breaks.pdf

Time for a Brain Break

Roll a die and perform the brain break that matches the number you rolled. Start off with one roll at a time and try to build up to 5 rolls while remembering what to do in order.