Occupational Therapy Activities for the week of April 20, 2020

Color, Cut and Glue!

Color each shape. Make sure to fill in all of the white spots and stay inside the lines. Next, carefully cut out each piece. Make sure you keep your thumb up when cutting with your scissors in front of your belly. When you get to a curve make sure you turn the paper with your helping hand. Do not turn the scissors. Next, assemble your pieces so that they look like the picture and glue them to a piece of paper. When done see if you can add a scene around your picture. Use your imagination!

Color cut glue 1.pdf
Color cut glue 2.pdf
Color cut glue 3.pdf

Time to head outdoors!

Take advantage of the Spring weather and go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt. Can you find all of these items in your backyard or neighborhood? When you check an item off the list hop, skip, spin, roll, march or jump as you spell out each word. For example, when you find a leaf hop on one foot four times as you spell out the four letters. Have fun!

nature hunt.pdf