Animal Challenge:  Can you create a unique cage-free habitat exhibit for animals that is ethical and sustainable?

Check out a real life version: 

What is an Animal Habitat?

The habitat is the physical area where a species lives. Many factors are used to describe a habitat. ... A habitat should not be confused with an ecosystem: the habitat is the actual place of the ecosystem, whereas the ecosystem includes both the biotic and abiotic factors in the habitat.

What animals need to survive.

The Engineering 

Cycle Rubric

Research Tools:

Learn about Area and Perimeter here: 

Play the zoo designer game. Click on image to find the game.

PowerPoint Presentation 

PowerPoint Presentation 

EXAMPLES:  Think about how humans will view the animals:

OR ...another Design Challenge: 

Can you create your own animal species?

Watch the video for more info on the challenge.

Step 1:  Research about animals and their habitat 

Learn from playing Never Alone App

Read the book "Sometimes I feel like a fox"

Learn from observing animal skeletons and create them with plasticine. 

Learn and observe from the VR Animal 3D app.

Once you are complete your design process - Don't forget to REFLECT.