Oracle Content Freelancers and Vendors

Non-US, CANADA, UK Content Freelancers, and Vendors will be paid by RVO Health through Oracle, RVOH's Procurement System. 

Please refer to the below for information and details.

How to Set up Oracle Registration and Oracle Portal 

You can Register for Oracle here

Once you register for Oracle and it has been approved by our RVOH Procurement Team and RVOH Accounts Payable Team,  you can access the Oracle Portal here.

You can find a blank W-9 and W-8 form below, which you would need to fill out and include when completing your Oracle Registration. All US freelancers/vendors would need to fill out a W-9, and all non-US freelancers/vendors would need to fill out a W-8.


Oracle User Tutorial & Guide 

Below you will find a guide on how to complete specific tasks within Oracle, including Purchase Orders (POs), Invoices, and Payments.

Supplier Portal and Invoicing in Oracle - with tax .pptx

Specific Instructions for Non-US/CAN/UK Editorial Freelancers and Editorial Vendors

Starting for work completed on Oct 2023 and after, there would be a Pre-funded Open PO set-up to include a large amount of funds for you to invoice against within Oracle. There will be one set-up for each team you work with. For Example, if you work for the Healthline Growth Team and the Healthgrades Growth Team, there will be a Healthline Growth Pre-funded Open PO and a Healthgrades Growth Pre-funded Open PO set-up for you. Within the description of the Pre-determined Open PO, it would say if this an Pre-funded Open PO for Healthline Growth or for Healthgrades Growth. Please invoice the articles you completed for Healthline Growth against the Healthline Growth Pre-funded Open PO and invoice the articles you completed for Healthgrades Growth against the Healthgrades Growth Pre-funded Open PO.  These Pre-funded Open POs are set up for you to be able to invoice against for at least 3 months. Once no more funds remain in the Pre-funded Open PO for the planned 3 months, you will need to inform the Content Operations Team so they can create new Pre-funded Open POs for you for the remaining time of the 3 months. You can reach the Content Operations Team at  This new process would require you to keep track of the articles you completed so you can invoice for the correct amount.

You must attach an Invoice for each Invoice you create in Oracle. Please use the following Invoice Template and follow the Instructions Tab. Please make a copy or download a copy of this template, and DO NOT work directly on this template. For instructions on making a copy of the template, please take a look at the Instructions Tab in the Template.  Please note the Invoice Number you put in the Oracle needs to match the Invoice Number you filled in on the Invoice Attachment. 

For instructions on how to create invoices against a PO, please take a look at the Oracle User Tutorial & Guide above. 

Invoicing Instructions for Oracle Content Freelancers and Vendors

Below, you will find instructions on how to invoices against Open Pre-funded POs for each brand you work with: 

Invoicing Instructions for Oracle Content Freelancers and Vendors