xx Learning Multiplication Facts xx

To develop good computation strategies, students need to become fluent with the multiplication facts to 12 × 12, often known as “multiplication facts” or “multiplication tables.” Students are expected to know the 2s, 5s, and 10s facts at the end of Unit 1, and the facts up to 10 × 10 by the end of Unit 5. By the end of 3rd grade students should be fluent with facts to 12x12.

It is important for students to recognize that problems such as 8 × 3 and 3 × 8 have the same product. Encourage students to “turn around” a multiplication fact if that makes the problem easier to solve. For example, your child may find it easier to remember the product of 3 × 8 than that of 8 × 3.

In school, students are sorting a set of Multiplication Cards into “Facts I Know” and “Facts I’m Working On.” They write clues on their Multiplication Cards to help them learn the facts that are difficult for them. Students use facts that they know that are close to the facts they are solving and then adjust to find the product. Here are some examples.

As they use the clues to practice, students gradually come to know the facts that are difficult for them. To help your child learn the multiplication facts, ask your child questions such as the following:

Which multiplication facts are you learning?

Is there a related fact that you already know?

Could that be a useful clue?

Which two or three of the facts should we focus on this week?