Unit 5- How Many Tens? How Many Hundreds?

Students continue to work on solving addition and subtraction problems, understanding place value and the composition of 3-digit numbers, and adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers. They also continue to practice addition and subtraction facts to 20 with the goal of becoming fluent with these facts by the end of Grade 2. 

Activities to Try at Home

 Making One Dollar In class, we are learning about coin values and equivalencies of one dollar. Examine coins, and ask your child to tell you about each coin. Discuss how much one dollar is worth in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Talk about equivalencies: “Here are 4 quarters. How much is this worth? Can you find another way to make $1.00?” “I have 7 dimes. How much more do I need to have $1.00?” 

15 Minutes More In this unit, we are continuing to work on telling time to the quarter hour (e.g., 12:45, 3:15). At home, your child can continue to work on telling time to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour. See whether your child can figure out what the time will be 1 hour, half an hour, or 15 minutes from now. “It is 6:15. What time will it be in 15 minutes? Can you make a picture of what the clock will look like then?” 

Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems Look for 2-digit addition and subtraction situations at home, such as the following: 

       both jars into a bowl, how many beans will there be altogether?

Have a pencil and paper handy, and encourage your child to explain how he or she is solving the problems 

Addition Combinations Bingo Make a Bingo board with the numbers 1–20 in a 4-by-5 grid. Turn over the top two cards from a deck of cards (ace to 10). Players cover the sum if it is on their board (e.g., cover 12 if 7 and 5 are turned over). Continue turning over cards and covering the sums until one player fills a complete row. That player says, “Bingo!” 

Math and Literature