Social Studies

Social Studies

As outlined by the New York State Social Studies Framework, in “Communities around the World,” students learn about communities around the globe and about global citizenship. Students bring with them knowledge about their communities. In this course, students make comparisons across time and space, examining different communities and their cultures. Culture includes social organization, customs and traditions, language, arts and literature, religion, forms of government, and economic systems. Students are introduced to the concepts of prejudice, discrimination and human rights, as well as to social action.

Teachers should select at least three communities that represent different regions of the world, types of communities (urban, suburban, and rural), and governmental structures. The communities selected should reflect the diversity of the local community.

Third Grade Social Studies Curriculum

Learn more about the New York State K-12 Social Studies Framework here. 

Communities around the world


In this unit, learners will examine how geographic regions have unifying characteristics and can be studied using a variety of tools. They will also learn that the location of world communities can be described using geographic tools and vocabulary.

The United States

In this unit, learners will explore how life in the United States is impacted by geography. The will learn that The U.S.A. depends on itself and others to fulfill its needs and wants, has a democratic form of government, and has many common and diverse cultural elements.


In this unit, learners will explore Brazil's diverse geographic landscape. They will learn that Brazil depends on itself and others to fulfill needs and wants, has a democratic form of government, and has many common and diverse cultural elements.


In this unit, learners will explore China's varied geographic landscape. They will learn that China is a dictatorship and the Chinese government influences how citizens’ needs and wants are met.  Additionally, they will learn that Chinese culture reflects both the traditions, beliefs, and customs of China and countries around the world.


In this unit, learners will explore Kenya's varied geographic landscape. They will also learn that Kenya’s democratic government is similar to and different from the United States. In addtion, they will learn that Kenya depends on itself and others to fulfill needs and wants. They will understand that Kenya has its own traditional culture but it has also been influenced greatly by Europeans.

Making a Difference

In this unit, students will learn that Human Rights are rights that each of us has been born with. They will learn that The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights lists our specific human rights. Many individuals, nations, and organizations work to protect our human rights.They will learn that we have a responsibility to protect the rights of ourselves and others.

Home-School Connection

SS-Third Grade Family Support Resource