Grade Level Information
Grade Level Information
Field Trips
Field trips are an extension of classroom activities that enhance the subject matter being taught. Trips vary from year to year and will provide first hand experiences for learners.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
A system of reporting to parents consists of parent teacher conferences and report cards. If there is a special need for communication, parents may request additional conferences. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time during the school year.
Homework should be part of your child’s daily routine. The value that you place on homework is most important and will be reflected in your child’s work. With an often busy schedule after school, homework must be given a priority. Please check your child's homework folder nightly for assignments, flyers and any material that may require your attention and your signature. Effective communication between home and school plays a pivotal role in ensuring your child's success in their educational journey.
Sources of Strength
Students will navigate content around not only physical health, but also mental health and wellness. Mindfulness techniques are shared and encouraged. The District utilizes the Sources of Strength program in all grades Kindergarten through grade five.
In STELLAR (Success in Technology, Enrichment, Literacy, Library, and Research), students work with various technologies while engaging in enriching activities that build upon the content they are learning in their classrooms. Students participate in group STEM projects that encourage collaboration, critical thinking, and creative problem solving. They are also exposed to literature of all genres, and participate in research projects using various resources.
The FLES (Foreign Language in the Elementary School) program provides elementary students with another dimension of language acquisition. Immersed in the target language, students will begin to speak and understand the Spanish language using songs, games, body movements and art activities. In collaboration with the classroom teacher, the FLES teacher coordinates lessons based on current curricula themes.
Physical Education
The Elementary Physical Education curriculum seeks to provide students with age-appropriate learning situations that encourage individual and group growth, and gives students an opportunity to broaden and refine their capacities and skills within the programs’ activities.
The Physical Education staff seeks to provide cross-curricular multicultural learning experiences within the gymnasium. In addition to skills development, the curriculum offers students the potential to collaborate, communicate, and create in a moving environment. Each student is encouraged to strive for high quality work while in the gym to ultimately achieve his/her own maximum potential. Students are assessed at the completion of each instructional unit at the elementary level.
The elementary music curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop musical cognition and motor skills by being actively involved in the music making process. These activities will include: singing, moving, listening, analyzing, creating and expressing, composing, improvising, reading and playing instruments.
Music education is imperative and essential in the complete education of our students. This curriculum is also designed to give each student an overview of the elements and skills necessary to be successful with music in the future and to have fun while actively learning each element, whether they want to become concert performers or active listeners. Students will not only learn vocabulary and musical elements, they will perform songs, play instruments, compose and improvise using each concept.
The art curriculum consists of lessons that include knowledge of artists, the Elements and Principles of Art, and is derived from the New York State Visual Arts Standards.
Through this curriculum, students will develop skills, techniques and exposure to cultures around the world. Lessons will encourage visual awareness, observation and the fundamental skills which are integral to a students’ intellectual growth and creative self-expression.
Parent Notification: The Every Student Succeeds Act offers parents the opportunity to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their students’ teachers. If you would like to receive this information, please send your request in writing to: Ms. Dana Zawol, Personnel Department, 128 Shepherd Street, Rockville Centre, NY 11570.
NYSED ESSA: The NYSED ESSA Complaint procedures can be located by accessing the QR Code to the right.