Education Pathway

Students interested in careers at the elementary, middle, or high schools will find many opportunities to help students learn and grow. The Elementary and Secondary Education Pathway will lead students through coursework and activities resulting in experiences in elementary and middle schools, transferable post‐secondary education credit, the opportunity to continue the Pathway at Gateway Technical College, and an Intro to Para-educator Careers work ready Certificate from Gateway Technical College. Careers across education will be explored including: teachers, administrators, social workers, counselors, and others that help our students to success.

Educational Careers Students will learn about different areas of educational services and what skills that are necessary.

Childhood Development Students will get a comprehensive view of the child's' development.

Educational Practices Students will be introduces to teaching methodologies, learning styles, strategies and topics of instruction.

Children with Differing Abilities Students will learn about inclusive programming typical and exceptional development, differences, and adapting curriculum.

Guiding Children's Behavior Students will learn positive strategies to guide behavior and guidance.