Construction Pathway

Introduction to Construction Systems:

Students will be provided an introduction to the high demand construction industry through learning about basic building materials, components, methods, and career pathways. Students will gain their first exposure to the safe utilization of hand and power tools, project‐based applications, and proper selection and use of materials. Students will have the opportunity to earn construction certifications and network with construction professionals to learn about the different trades.

Advanced Construction Systems:

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Introduction to Construction Systems

Students continue developing their knowledge and skills in the construction industry through the Pre‐Apprenticeship program for Carpenters and Joiners. Students will learn about advanced carpentry and construction techniques through the continued practice use of tools and equipment to modify materials. Students will be exposed to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) certifications and other construction industry standards.

Residential/Commercial Construction:

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Advanced Construction Systems

Students complete their Construction Pathway through a focus on residential or commercial construction techniques. Students completing the pre‐apprenticeship program will determine construction layouts, construct walls with door and window openings, assembling practice roofs, hanging and finishing drywall, and installation of ceilings. Students will have the opportunity to earn construction certifications and network with construction professionals to learn about the different construction trades.