Does My Child Have an Articulation Disorder?

Causes of Articulation Disorders

Causes of articulation disorders vary greatly and include everything from ear infections to neurological dysfunction. In some children, there might not be an identifiable cause. There are also many types of articulation disorders; in fact, it is the largest subset of all speech-language problems.

Symptoms to Watch For

So how can you, as a parent, tell if your child has a natural developmental delay in articulation or if he or she has an articulation disorder? Here are some examples of symptoms that could mean your child has an articulation disorder:

  • Babble doesn’t include consonant sounds by the age of 8-9 months
  • Speech is mostly unrecognizable at the age of 3
  • Continuation to leave consonants out of words at the age of 3
  • Even at 4, speech is still difficult to comprehend
  • Still not producing many sounds by the age of 6
  • Distorting, substituting or omitting sounds after 7 years of age
  • Worried about his speech, no matter what the age

*Please contact your child's classroom teacher or the speech therapist at Bingham/Downing or Volz if your child is experiencing or has experienced any of the above symptoms