
Registration is CLOSED.

The registration fees are the following:

Early-bird registration (until May 5, 2024):

Student €195

Regular €255

Ordinary registration (until June 17, 2024):

Student €245

Regular €325

The registration fee includes lunch and refreshments during the coffee breaks and reception. We ask presenters to register during early-bird registration, which means by May 5, 2024.

Conference attendees registering as students are required to send proof of student status to as soon as possible after registration.

The registration form also allows you to sign up for a vegetarian conference dinner. The dinner will take place Friday evening (August 30, 2024) at DOT (Vrydemalaan 2, 9713 WS, Groningen). The conference dinner will be a walking dinner and will consist of five different vegetarian dishes. The dinner is not included in the registration fee, and the costs for joining the dinner will be €65.

Refund policy: Refunds can only be guaranteed up until June 17, 2024. Please contact the organizers to request a refund.