Room 7 Learning Hub

Mrs Cardoza

Year 7&8 2020

Welcome to the class site for Room 7 Year 1 and 8s. My name is Shiree-Loren Cardoza and I am the classroom teacher. I am excited for this year of teaching and learning. Within the site you will find access to tasks, timetables and resources you will need for your learning.

If you are away you can check into the site for the day's work that you can catch up on.

If you need to contact me, my email is

R7 Term 1 Timetable 2020
Prefects assembly W11.mp4

T2 W11 Virtual assembly

Assembly 7.mp4

T2 W7 Virtual assembly

Rm 4 Virtual Assembly.mp4

T2W5 assembly

Assembly 15.05.2020 R7 revised.mp4

T2W3 Virtual assembly

Virtual Assembly 1 5 2020.mp4

T2 W5 assembly